Department of Information Technology VINE3 UPGRADE Project Initiation Request David Dikitolia, Sr. Project Manager Bernadette Garcia, IT Business Analyst/Public Safety Communications November 21, 2017
Business Requirement: Business Need Mission: Ensure timely, reliable interstate notification to victims of crime regarding offender’s custody status Provide victims with resources and information that may be instrumental to their recovery Ensure all victims, regardless of access to technology, are able to receive information regarding offender's custody status Business Need: Inform victims of crime of the offender’s status regardless of location of victim and offender as a result of out-of-state convictions, inmate transfers, or change of victim location Provide victims the means to find specific services, by type and location, that can best serve their circumstances Ensure all victims regardless of access to, or ability to use, technology have a means to receive vital offender status updates Extend victim notification capability to a greater segment of the population
Business Requirement: Problem Description Current Environment: Notifications only occur for offenders housed within the State of New Mexico – if an inmate is transferred out of state, the victim no longer receives notifications Victim support services are only available by searching in a scrollable page within VINE, and victims cannot search by service type, location, or other criteria VINE does not offer offender search and registration via Interactive Voice Response (IVR), which would help victims who do not have access to a computer Current version of VINE reaches end of life in June 2020; vendor requires all customers to migrate to the VINE3 platform prior to this time
Goals & Measures Increase nation-wide tracking and notification for incarcerated offenders within the first year of deployment to better serve and support crime victims Able to consistently implement out of state offender notification 100+% increase in victim notification for out of state offender transfer/release activity Increase incidence of victims using the VINE3 system to search for service providers within the first year of deployment Ensure victims are able to find appropriate services by type and location 50+% increase in the successful victim/service provider pairings Sustain the VINE solution as a tool to effectively serve New Mexico crime victims and mitigate re-victimization Realize increase in the number of registrants tracking incarcerated offenders 25+% increase in successful VINE3 registrations to track incarcerated offenders
Project Phases and Deliverables Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure Budget Due Date Project Phase Review and acceptance of documented Vendor Work Plan including development of Project Requirements Document $27,600.00 1/5/2018 Implementation Conversion of first agency into pre-production environment $82,800.00 1/19/2018 Review and acceptance of documented pre-production migration plan to move all agency and county OMS/JMS data into a test Pre-Production environment 2/28/2018 Collection of state-wide victim service provider information by service category and geographic region served $24,000.00 3/2/2018 Review and acceptance of Service Provider Directory into a test Pre- Production Environment 3/16/2018 State-wide Victim Advocate training and awareness 3/21/2018 VINE3 Go-Live $276,000.00 4/4/2018
Funding $552,000.00 will be sourced from a federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant though sub-recipient agreement with the Crime Victims Reparation Commission (CVRC). All deliverables must be completed and funds expended prior to the September 30, 2018, deadline. $48,000 will be sourced from DoIT funds for Victim Service Data Collection, Education and Outreach.
Project Description: Risks MITIGATION If the project fails to obtain the target number of victim service providers to register support information into the VINE3 system, then crime victims may not find the support services needed to help them recover. Begin research to identify victim service providers early in the transition. Leverage contacts available through existing service providers to reach new providers. If the project fails to obtain the target number of new registrations against incarcerated individuals, then any number of crime victims may be subject to re-victimization. Identify all victim advocates (police, district attorneys, victim advocates, etc.) and increase awareness of system capability through targeted awareness and training on the use of the system. Work towards press release through the Governor’s office to state-wide awareness of VINE3 system.
Request Initiation Certification DoIT is requesting Initiation Certification for the VINE3 upgrade Funding will be requested upon sub-recipient grant award Questions?