What did you do last night?
95 Classmate’s Write notes Name buy a CD/ download a movie
Add details, details, details
watch a movie
Make the sentence longer… Be detailed; be descriptive. KJ: I watched a movie. DJ: I watched a scary movie with my roommate last night. JD: I watched a movie last night. JB: I reluctantly watched a scary movie called “Scream” with my roommate last night. 억지로 마음이 내키지 않는
book a trip
take photos
visit a museum
USS Constitution Museum go to a concert
USS Constitution Museum plant some flowers
USS Constitution Museum take an evening class
USS Constitution Museum choose a book
USS Constitution Museum go fishing
Today is February 27 Name [oldest event] made lunch Student No. Today is February 27 [oldest event] made lunch [most recent event]
95 Classmate’s Write notes Name 3 minutes
Find a new partner; Sit next to your new partner. 10 9 11 12 15 14 13 8 7 1 End 2 3 5 4 6 Interview your new partner. Write notes.
95 Classmate’s Write notes Name 3 minutes
Find a new partner; Sit next to your new partner. 10 9 11 12 15 14 13 8 7 1 End 2 3 5 4 6 Interview your new partner. Write notes.
95 Classmate’s Write notes Name 3 minutes
Your grades are on TIGERS… If you have Qs, come to OFFICE HOURS 과제 1 Quiz (25points) 과제 2 PE2 Online (25points) Units 1, 2, 3, 4
3 minutes