Traineeships – what’s in it for business? Claire Nicholson-Clinch Regional Projects Manager Would you like to expand your businesses, bring in new skills and fresh ideas but are concerned that you need to keep recruitment costs down?
What is a Traineeship? A traineeship is a support programme for 16-24 year olds to develop the skills required to undertake an Apprenticeship and/or secure sustainable employment. A traineeships is an opportunity for businesses to recruit a young person whilst they receive additional skills and support. A traineeship can be the first step on the path to an apprenticeship or job. The programme is for young people who are almost work ready but just need a little more support before they are ready to take on a job or an apprenticeship.
What does a traineeship consist of? work preparation training, high quality work placement. A traineeship would last a maximum of six months. It is expected that the duration of a work placement would be for between 100-240 hours English and maths The way in which the traineeship model is put together varies to meet the needs of the employer, learner and provider delivering the traineeship. It is designed to be flexible but all traineeships have the same core elements. Work preparation/employability training – this will support the individual with the skills they need to prepare for work. This might include; communication skills, making workplace decisions, time management, leadership skills, team working or problem solving. Most models have trainees complete some work preparation before the individual goes into the workplace with additional support during or after the work placement. The work placement is a core element of the traineeship programme and should provide the young person with meaningful work experience that develops workplace skills. Providers and employers are free to agree how the work placement element fits with the other core elements of the traineeship. The expectation is that work placements will last between 100 and 240 hours, although longer placements may be necessary in some cases where there are clearly identified learner needs. The work placement does not need to be taken consecutively, and in some cases young people may complete several shorter work placements. A high quality work placement gives both the young person and the employer a chance to get to know each other and assess their suitability for the business over the longer term. Commitment is needed from senior managers or owner/managers and there should be a low ratio of learners to experienced staff to ensure good mentoring during the work placement. Individuals also gain support for English and maths to work towards functional skills where required. At the end of a traineeship employers offer a formal interview and where a job vacancy has arisen or an exit interview with feedback where there is no formal vacancy available. It is intended that all traineeships will to lead to an apprenticeship, a job or further training. Employers are not required to pay young people undertaking work placements as part of the traineeship programme.
Benefits of a traineeship Flexible in duration (maximum six months) and approach No contract or wage commitment Free advertising, recruitment, PR and case studies Extending the skills of your current staff Try new staff before you commit Flexible – there are many different traineeship models available through a range of providers and many will work with you to meet your needs, so the length of the work placement and working hours can meet your needs. You can select the hours of work experience to reflect the business needs e.g. Shift work, weekend work, help during events or busy periods. There is no contract with the young person. Employers are not required to pay young people for the work placement undertaken as part of their traineeship, although they could do so if they wished. Learners can accept tips from customers or the assistance of the employer helping with lunch or travel money. This provides employers with an opportunity to ‘try before you buy’ with no commitment and reduced costs. However, the main aim of the programme is that you will hopefully find an individual who, if suitable will have a longer term opportunity in your organisation. Free advertising and recruitment of trainees through dedicated websites managed by the training provider. The programme also offers an opportunity for current staff to gain experience or improve their mentoring and coaching skills. You may also be eligible for the Apprenticeship Grant to Employers of £1500 if you retain the trainee as an apprentice.
For more information..... Claire 07590 453418