Preparing for Interviews
Overview Preparation Getting the basics right Competency based interview Body Language (non verbal) Dreaded Questions
Interview Types… Vary from company to company Formal / Informal Telephone Interview ( often 1st interview) Second round interviews sometimes One or more interviewers ( HR & Dept Manager (s)) Group/Panel Interviews-several candidates
You Have An Interview! When you are invited for interview, it means management thinks you will be potentially a good match for the job. The interview is to determine whether you are the ‘right fit’ for the job. An interview is an OPPORTUNITY for you to present yourself well to a potential employer. So – go in there PREPARED
Interviews – 3 Questions… There are 3 things that a potential employer wants to know: Can you do the job? – Do you have the skills, experience, personality for job? Will you do the job? – How motivated/interested are you? Will you fit in? – Do you prefer to work alone or as part of team? How flexible are you? Will you fit into their way of working?
Preparation On The Company Prepare for interview the same way you would prepare for an exam Research the company – if you know about the company you will be more confident in your interview There is every chance you will be asked what you know about the company & why you want to work for them. This also gives you a chance to prepare any questions you have about the company
Preparation On Yourself Review your CV/Application Form- familiarization Prepare examples of your Key Skills, your Accomplishments / Achievements- give a balance from college/work/hobbies Don’t say it as if it is memorised
Preparation Continued Plan to get there a little before the time – ground yourself. Dress – neat and professional( males-suit or shirt & tie. Females- trouser or skirt suit or smart shirt & skirt.) No face jewellery. If you are asked to bring certificates – get them ready the day before Have your interview letter/appointment with you On arrival, ensure the receptionist knows that you are there YOU NEVER GET A SECOND CHANCE TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION!!!
Know Yourself Academic – Modules/ Subjects, Results ; Projects (team based especially) competitions, exhibitions Work – Jobs to date; duties; responsibilities, transferable skills developed ( team work, communication, initiative, organisational, problem solving, leadership) Social – Interests; Sport; Music, Travel, Awards
Phases Of The interview Warm up – introductions; staff explain about the company and the job Getting down to business - there may be competency/skill based questions, technical questions; situational questions to identify your skills; interests; motivations.
Questions Likely To Be Asked Example Q. Take me through your CV/Application from with relevance to this post highlighting your successes and/or achievements to date ( if you are going on a placement interview you may not know the post) Take time to prepare this answer
Some Sample Questions How have you demonstrated organisational skills in your part time/summer/previous job? (Examples) Do you work better as part of a team or by yourself? (Examples) What qualities do you have that make you a team player/leader? (Examples) Why did you choose this course? What are the subjects you like or dislike/ find challenging? Describe a project you were involved in and the role you played.
More Questions Why should we hire you? – What are they looking for? Match your skills with the employers requirements ( if known) and give EVIDENCE and examples What is your greatest strength? – Positive aspects and relevant skills – back up with example What is your greatest weakness? – Choose something that you can turn into a positive – show how you overcame weakness. Just choose one and end on positive note Show employer you have openness & ability to grow, learn & develop
Dreaded Question What question do you fear the most? Prepare an answer! Good examples can be found in ‘Great answers to tough interview questions’ by Martin Yates
Styles of Questioning Open – Encourages you to expand- ‘Tell me about yourself?’ Closed – Yes/No answer but expand where relevant- ‘Have you used…..system?’ Specific – What computer programmes can you use? – Factual Answer – don’t bluff! Hypothetical – Test your speed/clarity of thought (e.g. ‘what would you do if …?’)
Interviews – Answering Questions What do you know about our company? – research – nature of their work – their products – customers, future plans etc. Tell me about yourself? – give relevant information about your interest in business, computing…/skills/experience/achievements that are related to job! Why do you want to work for us? – Tell them why their company is of interest to you – why you would like to be a part of their organisation – how you can contribute.
3 Key Areas Identify or give example of situation Describe your actions (highlighting your skills) Conclude with the results your actions produced
Be Concise You need to get all information out concisely Don’t waffle Practice this Don’t memorise it off by heart – it will be obvious if you do
Competency Based Interviews What do we mean by competency? Competencies are areas of ‘personal capability’; your ‘skills’; ‘aptitude’ and ‘know how’ Your abilities to perform the job Predict someone’s future on their past patterns of behaviour Aim = to get the right fit.
Core Competencies Identify skill-company websites/job spec Proof of the skill – examples (plural!) Match your core competencies to the job
Transferable Skills Analytical/Problem Solving Organisational/Planning Team Playing Leadership Motivation Creative Management Project Management Time Management People Management Budget Management Initiative
Interviews – Body Language Body Language is important – there are a few main things you can do in order to create a favourable first impression SMILE – look interested and enthusiastic FIRM HANDSHAKE POSTURE – sit up straight – not slouched EYE CONTACT
First & Last Impressions Interviews may be won or lost in the first few minutes Halo Effect – Devil Effect Last impressions count too – you want them to remember you for the right reasons! Practice your interview with a friend Prepare and be positive, enthusiastic, natural, honest and confident. If you are prepared you are more likely to do a good interview!