CPET Co-op Getting Started Workshop 2018S Co-op Term Presented by: Patti Helps
Lambton College Power Engineers Club Why Join?? Plant tours Networking opportunities with upper classmen & industry reps Productive way to give back as well as benefit We have many great ideas but they require committed volunteers If you want to become actively involved, contact Patti Helps directly
Search Facebook for “Lambton College Power Engineers” Examples of Events: Guest Speakers Plant Tours Employer Q&A Bowling Night Golf Tournament Once you join, you should provide your email address through FB message. Executive is trying to get an email list together to better communicate with members.
Services of myCareer Centre myCareer Centre Homepage http://www.mylambton.ca/myCareer/Students/Home/ Employer Showcase (log into the myCareer System http://mycareer.lambtoncollege.ca ; Go to Career Services then Career Event) Co-op FAQ’s http://www.mylambton.ca/mycareer/students/Frequently_Asked_Questions/
Co-op Eligibility Have at least a passing grade in all program courses in semesters prior to the determination of eligibility; Be enrolled in, or have successfully completed, all program courses in the current semester at the time of application for the co-op positions; Have a program cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above at the end of the semester prior to the determination of eligibility. If applicable, have successfully completed any previous co-op work term i.e. has not received an F/NP grade on a co-op work term. NOTE: CPEO students have a slightly different eligibility. See me for more information if interested.
Co-op Eligibility Co-op Eligibility has been determined and those individuals who (according to my records) have not met the criteria have been emailed at their STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS. If you received an email and feel this is in error, you need to see me personally immediately to seek a fix. I will not deal with this issue via email nor telephone.
Co-op Eligibility IMPORTANT & NEW!!! Co-op Eligibility will be done again at the end of this semester. If you have secured a co-op but lose your eligibility, your employer will be contacted to let them know. At that time they will have the choice to rescind the offer or move forward with the offer. If by the end of the semester you have not secured a co-op and you lose your eligibility, you will not be permitted to move forward with co-op.
YOUR Email & Phone Numbers IMPORTANT!!! As the recruitment progresses, it is crucial that I be able to contact you immediately sometimes. I need you to do a few things: Log into myCareer and make sure your alternate email address is correct & ensure there is an accurate cell phone number in there. Update if necessary. NOTE: Make permanent changes in Webadvisor. If you are not in the habit of checking your student email account multiple times daily, go into your student email account (i.e. c0123456@mylambton.ca) and have it automatically forwarded to your alternate email address. See next slide for instructions.
STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS ONLY Through the myCareer System, I can ONLY email students to their student email account (c0123456@myLambton.ca) It is imperative that I have easy, direct, efficient access to you to best assist you in this recruitment. Therefore, if you are not in the habit of DAILY checking this email, please follow the instructions on the next slide and have your student email auto forwarded to your alternate email address
18S Recruitment – PHASE 1
Co-op Policy & Procedure IMPORTANT! Familiarize yourself with the Co-op Policy and Procedures. LINK TO CO-OP POLICY LINK TO CO-OP PROCEDURES
CO-OP PROCEDURES Did you know… Verbal acceptance of a co-op is binding? Reneging on a co-op with an employer is grounds to fail your co-op immediately! You should read this document to find out more about this and many more important facts. LINK TO CO-OP PROCEDURES
Pick up this handout in the myCareer Centre
JOB POSTING APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PAY ATTENTION TO THE INSTRUCTIONS! Several of the job postings (i.e. Imperial Oil; Shell; Bruce Power etc.) want you to fill in a profile/apply through their own company websites. You MUST apply to BOTH the company website AND the myCareer Site. These employers will only consider those who applied to BOTH. They will be using the application list from the myCareer site as the “eligible” list. Anyone who applied to the company site and not to the myCareer site will be disqualified
Mark Your Calendar!!! WORKSHOP SCHEDULE
Pick up this handout in the myCareer Centre
You must take in the appropriate workshop (i. e You must take in the appropriate workshop (i.e. Advanced Resume; Interview Prep) AND implement appropriate changes BEFORE booking an appointment for a resume review or mock interview.
18S Recruitment – PHASE 2
Students who did not secure a co-op in Phase 1 and are still interested in securing a co-op must attend the “Phase 2 Workshop” Phase 2 is a personalized approach to securing steam time positions.
# of Eligible Students in the 18S Competition CPET - Group 1A – 27 CPET - Group 2B – 28 CPEX - 19 TOTAL = 76 NOTE: There are a number of re-offers being extended to 2B students; Also there are a few IP & U grades that need to be resolved. These statistics include all of these students so the total number may decrease.
How to view the PowerPoints from the CPET/PETC Workshops, as well as any supplemental documents: https://www.mylambton.ca/mycareer/students/Workshops/
Important Online Job Searches mycareer.lambtoncollege.ca www.indeed.ca www.talentegg.ca Company Websites START LOOKING AT PLACES IN ADDITION TO myCareer NOW!!!
mycareer.lambtoncollege.ca myCareer System
myCareer System Ensure that you have access to the Co-op side AND that you can view jobs. If not, come to the myCareer Centre for assistance.
CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE??? Before you search any jobs, please ensure that all of your contact information is accurate. i.e. Alternate email correct? Cell phone number a MUST!!!
Transcript Accurate? Under Co-op click “Documents”. There should be a PDF version of your transcript. Click it and ensure that the transcript is correct. NOTE: The transcript will contain ALL courses you have ever taken at Lambton College in chronological order. This cannot be altered.
Log in with your Lambton Username and password
Make sure you click on “All Active Co-op Jobs”
Name your document the company name (i.e. “lambtoncollege” Upload PDF document with no space in title Retype document name above browser box under “Name”
Scroll over to cancel application
WORK TERM RECORD in the myCareer System - What to do once you’ve secured a co-op? Once you have secured a co-op, you need to go onto the myCareer system and fill out your online Work Term Record. Closely review the next slides to see step by step instructions how to do this.
Before Submitting Your Online Work Term Record What You Need To Know Before Submitting Your Online Work Term Record By submitting a complete online work term record, you will no longer be able to access co-op postings for your program on the myCareer system Incomplete work term records will not be saved. All mandatory fields are required for successful submission. If you do not have all of the information, you will need to gather the details and start over
Completing The Online Work Term Record Form Your offer paperwork should includes all of the required information to complete your work term record (employer contact, wage, hours per week, etc.) You will be required to agree to student responsibilities and consent for release of information statements. Students must select YES to continue on with the form and submit the work term record The comments field is optional and can include any additional information not included in the work term record. Example: schedule, honorarium information, etc. Completed forms will remain in a pending status for review by the co-op advisor. Once the co-op advisor has reviewed the information, the status of the work term record will be changed to approved
Positions Secured On Your Own Student secured positions require verification from the employer. Once the work term record is submitted by the student, the co-op advisor will contact the employer/supervisor to verify the details of the offer. If the information aligns and the position meets co-op criteria, the work term record will be approved
Online Work Term Record To find the online work term record form, log into your myCareer account and click on the co-op tab.
Online Work Term Record Click the blue CREATE WORK TERM RECORD to begin entering your co-op/internship information