A Survivals Guide
Anytime the bell rings while students are outside, this will signal that students will need to come into the building (possible reasons could include: weather such as rain, extremely cold temperatures, weather warnings such as high winds/tornado, and/or possible external danger(s) such as a stray dog or unknown stranger). Staff supervising students outside will direct all students to line up at their usual location and that teachers/staff that are inside the building will be at the appropriate entry doors to let them in.
In the case of the Tornado Drill – An announcement will be made over the PA system and will indicate that we need to follow the procedures for a tornado drill. In the case of a Lock Down Drill – An announcement will be made over the PA system, indicating that we need to assume/carry out the procedures for a Lock Down.
We will most likely never have a real fire, tornado or lock down threat. However, it is important for us to be prepared in the event that there was a real one. We will be practising each of these drills during the coming months. Please note: we are required to do 2 lockdown drills and one tornado drill each school year.
Close and lock (class)rooms. Turn out lights All classroom windows and blinds should be closed. Portable students will need to use some of the desks (placed down with desk legs facing out) to create a circle in the centre of the room – students will huddle down inside the circle of desks.
Lockdown Procedures: PA Announcement will be made to initiate lockdown: Attention please. This school is now in a lockdown. Stay in your classroom or go to the nearest safe area now. Follow all lockdown procedures. Repeat. This school is now in a lockdown. Stay in the classroom or go to the nearest safe area now.
Support staff will direct students in the hall to the nearest secure location Students in the library will remain with library staff and go inside the Literacy storage room Students in the gymnasium will go inside the equipment room (and in the Servery/Kitchen if there are 2 classes in the gym at the time of the lockdown).
Gather to an area away from the doors and windows, huddle and stay quiet. Teacher will take attendance – noting students who are present and those who are not (e.g. bathroom, library, etc) Students using the washroom in the primary hall should go directly to room 9 and remain there. Students using the washrooms in the other hallways should go directly to room 14 and remain there. If room 14 is empty, students should go to room 13, which is the next closest safe area.
Custodian will lock all external doors. Allow no one to leave the classroom/safe area until the all clear signal has been given. All cell phones need to be off. DO NOT respond if the fire alarm is activated during a lockdown – students and staff are to ignore the fire alarm unless given a direction from the principal.
After the all clear signal is given, all students need to return to their assigned classrooms. Classroom teachers will take attendance and report absent students to the office.
Tornado Drill Procedures In the event of a practice (or actual) tornado drill, staff and students will be informed by an announcement over the PA system. At this time (due to current weather conditions), all students and staff are directed to follow the procedures for a Tornado Drill.
Students and staff are to assemble in a single line (if possible) along an interior wall inside the classroom and/or hallway. It is important that students and staff are as far away as possible from exterior windows and doors. All classroom window blinds should be closed.
All students and staff need to kneel/crouch down with their backs toward the interior wall and should lean over tucking their heads toward their knees, and placing hands/arms over their heads for additional protection. Stay in this turtle position and remain quiet.
Teacher/staff in charge of a class/group of students need to take attendance quickly and be prepared to report any missing students to the main office and/or emergency response personnel.
All students and staff will remain in the turtle position until given the following direction: Our tornado drill is now over. It is now safe for you to resume your class activities.