The Last Seduction in Context Neo noir 1994
Arrange these contextual factors into order of priority, with an example for each of your top five A critique of capitalism – characters are obsessed with consumption Mike’s generation: untouched by war, traditional masculine values reassessed, the AIDS era The American Dream is further viewed with cynicism – on screen portrayal of America is often as a corrupt nation The dark mood and sense of fate in classic noir is replaced by arch referencing of the past and playfulness – a sort of cinematic ‘dressing up’ Symbolism is a cinematic choice, rather than a necessity The 80s had been the ‘Me generation’ where ‘greed is good’ The Hays Code has long been replaced with a ratings system Society has become increasingly permissive in terms of sex, violence etc. on screen The second wave of feminism in the 1970s had led to less inequality between sexes Variation in sexuality was less of a taboo subject Ethnic diversity had improved on screen since the civil rights movement of the 1960s
Neo-noir has less psychological depth than classic noir By adapting the style of noir, directors engage in a game with audiences – rewarding those who identify deliberate references to the past E.G?
Screen portrayal of America is often as a corrupt nation Classic noir is all about atmosphere and a sense of urban paranoia suggested by European filmmakers but restrictions meant that any corruption must be punished. This has changed since the Nixon scandals in the 1970s E.G?
No Hays Code means we can identify with amoral characters Classic noir titillates us with a look at a seamy side of urban life but is bound by the imperative to portray ‘correct’ behaviour at the narrative conclusion. Neo noir can both titillate and allow us to actually enjoy Bridget’s actions. E.G?
Neo-noir questions masculine identity but offers no certainties like classic noir Sorry Mike E.G?
Is there anything in The Last Seduction that seems dated to us twenty years on? E.G? Would the Trish subplot be played with more sympathy for the character today?