Past Master Degree
Brother ___________, the lessons devolving around the Past master Degree, which you have just received, teaches us respect for the law, not just Masonic law but all law, human and Divine. 11/18/2018
We are taught that he who would rule must first learn to serve We are taught that he who would rule must first learn to serve. The man who has learned to serve others, and has learned the lesson of humility, and who has learned to control himself, makes a wise ruler. Just as the Worshipful Master at his installation is made responsible for the conduct of his Lodge, so are each of us made responsible for our spiritual lodge or temple. 11/18/2018
As the Master is instructed in his duties, his powers and his prerogatives, the source of his information, light and guidance are one by one pointed out to him. 11/18/2018
The allegory of this Past Master Degree was constructed around an incident which is supposed to have occurred late in the life of Solomon, King of Israel and Hiram, King of Tyre. Before Noah could assume King Solomon’s station, there were requirements made of him, one of which, that he serve as a Warden before being installed. 11/18/2018
We are taught to rule and govern a Lodge, our Lodge, with humility and self-control, then we can be invested with the tender gavel which is supreme and absolute. 11/18/2018
King Solomon’s preparations in his final days remind us that we all face similar problems while passing through life and sometimes need support from our brethren. 11/18/2018
Let us not forget that Masonic honor belongs to those who can best work and best agree, and that even a Craftsman of inferior station, can obtain exalted office when he displays the necessary qualifications. 11/18/2018
Psalms: 1 and 15 In your search of the Great Light you may want to read Psalms 1 and 15. They were referred to in this degree. 11/18/2018
Past Master Degree I will now explain the Stp, D-G, Pnl Sn, Gr and Wd of a Past Master and answer any questions you may have at this time.