Universal Salt Iodization Advocacy and Communications Defining a Global Framework Joy Del Rosso, The Manoff Group Expanded Quarterly Meeting—UNICEF/NY January 24, 2012
USI Partnership Premises Seeking government commitment to adopt and enforce legislation Form multi-sector coalition responsible for elimination of IDD Create communications packages for incoming government officials Aiming to raise awareness among consumers and food/salt industry important to ensure demand for iodized salt Conduct consumer and market research to build brand equity based on “added value” of iodized salt Improve appeal and performance of iodized product in market place ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Different approaches within salt industry; not uniform—e.g., two-tier system (good quality iodized salt and raw, non-iodized salt)
Target population for distribution, access , knowledge and demand includes the food industry
Partnership Drivers Supply Advocacy Communications Regulatory monitoring for QC and QA to assure standards met Support multi-sector coalitions for national IDD elimination programs Targeted communications and SM (social mobilization) along the salt supply chain to promote understanding and adherence to salt iodization law and regulations Consolidation of small-scale salt producers to eliminate flow of non-iodized salt Ensure IDD elimination part of national nutrition strategy Targeted communications and SM to consumers in low coverage areas to ensure understanding and demand for iodized salt Promotion of the use of iodized salt in processed foods Ensure highest political commitment for the sustainable elimination of iodine deficiency Inclusion of IDD and USI principles in educational curricula, food technology courses, salt logos, messages on packages and labels Explore the use of public distribution systems for iodized salt directly Ensure IDD elimination program management and oversight functions institutionalized Document innovative practices and lessons learned of the Partnership contributions to USI in all countries Establish sustainable systems for the procurement and supply of Potassium Iodate (KIO3)
Conventional Wisdom Periodic advocacy or re-advocacy—maintain political will and focus attention Advocacy at national and provincial, community levels Communication activities need to be integrated within “program” strategy Effective communications requires expertise—not everyone can do it Health sector must coordinate/share responsibility with the salt sector Need to work with all members along the salt chain from top management to the retailers Educators/the education sector is both a major stakeholder and a route to sustainability Audience segmentation is necessary and along with that reaching specific audiences with appropriate messages Jack Ling “The Role of Education and Communication” in Towards the Global Elimination of Brain Damage Due to Iodine Deficiency, 2004. As visible signs of goiter diminish, focus is (and should be on) less visible impacts Tailor messages to specific audiences Understand common wisdoms and correct misinformation Integrate updated IDD information in to technical and education materials of food inspectors, health and education curricula Public education supports IDD elimination and creates demand for iodized salt Venkatesh Mannar and Lucie Bohac “Achieving USI: Lessons Learned and Emerging Issues,” Iodine Network presentation, 2010
Framework Rationale What is a Framework intended to do? Make it easier to work within complex systems—simplify and clarify Tie or bring together relevant, discrete elements or components Help to present a particular methodology or logic Facilitate making recommendations for WHAT to do in the C&A for salt iodization Why do we need a Framework? USI is much more complicated that many realize (its “selling” point has been its simplicity) Communications in particular have not been connected adequately to the main aspect of USI—the salt (industry) Approach to communications (and advocacy) does not necessarily fall neatly into a particular/traditional approach (social mobilization or behavior change communications) or methodology. To help identify and ultimately use effectively what we do know (lessons learned, innovations, good practice) more specifically
Advocacy & Communications Framework Advocacy Process Communications Define and Prioritize Subsistence salt farmers ? ? ? ? Household Salt Consumption Retail Sale of Salt Salt Distribution and Delivery Salt Production and Supply Salt Iodization Policies and Legislation Hard to reach populations Environment for Salt Iodization Key Audiences National Govt Local Govt Producers Refiners Packers Truckers Re- Packers Distributors Retailers/shop owners General Public (Urban, Rural) Pregnant women Key Information/ The communication environment Status of legislation and regulations; government commitment Composition, compliance, capacity Imports In-country production Distribution routes, factors Practices purchasing and selling salt Access to iodized salt Beliefs and practices about salt
Framework Use Step 1: Define the environment (the salt industry including legislation) Step 2: Identify specific targets within that environment—critical opportunities or challenges Step 3: Plan for advocacy and communications Previous experience—any information on what has worked (evidence) Collect and analyze data and information on different/key audiences (not just consumers) practices related to salt production, distribution, purchase, use Step 4: Make recommendations for advocacy and communications strategy and implementation
Framework Aims to: Puts focus and starting point as the salt industry rather than the consumer—sets this as the context for advocacy and communications Shows communications potentially enters into all aspects of the salt chain via government Emphasizes the need to build communications and advocacy on data information that provides the context/environment for communications Highlights the need to prioritize actions based on the environment and to choose among audiences