Mathematics and Home Insulation Question If it is about 27°F outside with no wind, how much is our heat bill affected if we set the thermostat to 84°F instead of 55°F ? CHOICE A – Our heat bill is doubled CHOICE B – Our heat bill increases $200/mo CHOICE C – Our heat bill increases 50% CHOICE D – Our heat bill is tripled Can we use mathematics to justify our answer?
Answer: CHOICE A – Our heat bill is doubled. The reason we can state this is due to laws of heat transfer, and some mathematics. In the equation below, Q represents the power, i.e. the energy used per time. Raising the thermostat from 55°F to 84°F approximately doubles the temperature difference ΔT between inside and outside in degrees C. When ΔT doubles, Q doubles since K, A, and x are constant! For More Info on The Mathematics of Heat Transfer See The Mathematics of Heat Transfer