PARTS of SPEECH Grammar Unit 1 Intermediate Writers Workshop noun verb gerund inifinitive adjective adverb pronoun preposition interjection conjunction Intermediate Writers Workshop Rode 2010
Noun Nouns Exist Person boy Place beach Thing pail Grammar Unit 1
Noun A noun or The noun Person Place Thing The boy A beach An orange Grammar Unit 1
Noun Nouns can often be Counted One boy Two grandmas Seven seas Twelve months A dozen oranges 24 hours Grammar Unit 1
Noun Person: Proper or Common noun Carlotta, Mrs. Brooks, Dr. Jong … Dr. Jong practices acupuncture. (capitalize proper nouns) the doctor, the girlfriend, my mother … I had an appointment with my doctor. Grammar Unit 1
Noun Place: Proper or Common the high school, a store, my soda… Hopkins High School, the Royals … Hopkins High School is a school of excellence. (capitalize proper nouns) the high school, a store, my soda… I love this high school. Grammar Unit 1
Noun Thing: Object or Idea table, window, figurine, storm … The table broke. wealth, love, indignation, personality, fairness, unity, commitment … She accumulated a great deal of wealth. The group’s unity was obvious. (Can you put it in your pocket?) Grammar Unit 1
Verb Linking Verbs Subject is described by a noun or adjective IS ARE Grandma is wealthy. They are singers. She was a lawyer. They were late. He will be famous. I am a generous person. Bingo has been sick. Subject = Noun or Adj IS ARE WAS WERE BE AM BEEN Grammar Unit 1
Verb Linking Verbs Be and Been need additional linking verbs HAS WILL Subject = Noun or Adj HAS HAVE HAD He will be famous. He could be famous. Bingo has been sick. Bingo had been sick. WILL SHALL CAN MAY WOULD SHOULD COULD MIGHT He might have been famous. He has had lots of fame. Bingo may be sick. Bingo should have been sick. Grammar Unit 1
Verb Action Verbs The subject is doing something I run. Mina runs. Juan ran. The track star is running. The leopard has run a mile. Bingo had been running. They will run. He would have run. Grammar Unit 1
Gerund A kind of Noun Verb + ing = Gerund replace with “this activity” Abdi and Beth love running. Everyone should try reading for pleasure. put a possessive noun in front Ms. Gotschell’s teaching should improve each year. Deeply Royal’s dancing was outstanding at the pep fest. Grammar Unit 1
Gerund or Verb? Be careful! Verb + ing = Verb Verb + ing = Gerund I am break dancing. (I am doing something.) Verb + ing = Gerund I enjoy break dancing. (an activity – a noun – a thing). Grammar Unit 1
Adjective Tells more about Nouns Ask: What kind of noun? gentle bear mother bear What color noun? white bear brown bear How many nouns? one bear seven bears sixty bears 200 bears Grammar Unit 1
Adverb Tells more about Verbs Ask: How did it verb? Where did it verb? News travels fast. The report went beautifully. When did it verb? They performed yesterday. Their costume change happened quickly. Where did it verb? She practiced anywhere. The drummer lives locally. Grammar Unit 1
Adverb Tells more about Adverbs Ask: How adverb was it? The turtle moved too slowly. The the rabbit ran so gracefully. My first day went quite well. The group played very loudly. Grammar Unit 1
Adverb Tells more about Adjectives Ask: How adjective was it? The race was very exciting. The paintings are so beautiful. The star is quite bright. The band was incredibly loud. Grammar Unit 1
Pronoun Personal Pronouns Basic List Other Pronouns He She It I You We They Other Pronouns Him, his, himself Her, hers, herself Its, itself Me, mine, myself Your, yours, yourself Us, our, ourselves Them, their, theirs, themselves Grammar Unit 1
? ? ? Pronoun Indefinite Pronouns Ask: Who? (but we won’t know for sure) Basic List Someone Everyone Anyone No one Other Suffixes -body -place -where -thing -time Ask Who What Where Grammar Unit 1
Preposition Ask where? on under through beside around near to next to inside of against between up down aboard across along beyond toward within out of Grammar Unit 1
Preposition Ask when? before after until since during at around Grammar Unit 1
Preposition Ask what is the relationship? by for to with about because of Grammar Unit 1
Prepositional Phrase Preposition + Noun on the log through the woods after the storm during dinner by the author with my mom Grammar Unit 1
Infinitive A kind of Verb Phrase To + Verb = Infinitive Put “I like” in front I like to run. I like to write letters. I like to read. I like to sing. Grammar Unit 1
Prepositional Phrase or Infinitive? Be careful! To + verb = Infinitive to write To + noun = Prepositional Phrase I gave the letter to Mom. Frodo is coming to my house. Harry was stuck to the wall. Grammar Unit 1
Conjunction Coordinating Conjunctions Connect two or more sentences Must use a comma Must have two subjects on either side The wind blew, and my scarf flew away. Either you can catch it, or you can buy a new one. We were late, but they let us in anyway. Grammar Unit 1
Conjunction Subordinating Conjunctions Fragment, but has subject & verb Begins a Dependent Clause Needs Independent Clause I was sad because the car ran over her. Take me with you if you go to see how she’s doing. Whenever I think of Lassie, I cry. Grammar Unit 1
Cool! Interjection Show reaction or emotion Not necessary to the sentence An alternative to swearing Ouch! That hurt! You did not! No way! Heck, I made the shot! Cool! Grammar Unit 1
THE END Grammar Unit 1 Intermediate Writers Workshop noun verb gerund inifinitive adjective adverb pronoun preposition interjection conjunction Intermediate Writers Workshop Rode 2009