Punctuation Punctuation, one is taught, has a point: to keep law and order. Punctuation marks are road signs placed along the highway of our communication: to control speeds, provide directions and prevent head-on collisions. A period has the unblinking finality of a red light; the comma is a flashing yellow light that asks us to slow down; and the semicolon is a stop sign that tells us to ease gradually to a halt, before gradually starting up again.
Exclamation point Use an exclamation point at the end of an emphatic declaration, interjection, or command. Example: "No!" he yelled. "Do it now!” !
Colon Use a colon before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself, and after a salutation in a business letter, between the hour and minute. Example: There is only one thing left to do now: confess while you still have time. :
; Semicolon OR Use a semicolon to help sort out a monster list. Example: There were citizens from Bangor, Maine; Hartford, Connecticut; Boston, Massachusetts; and Newport, Rhode Island. OR To separate closely related independent clauses. Example: My grandmother seldom goes to bed this early; she's afraid she'll miss out on something. ;
Period . Use a period at the end of a sentence that makes a statement or in an abbreviation. Example: Mr. Michaels went to the mall today.
? Question marks Use a question mark at the end of a question. Example: What did you say? ?
Apostrophe use an apostrophe to create possessive forms, contractions, and some plurals Example: I am = I'm you are = you're she is = she's it is = it's ‘
Quotation mark Use quotation marks to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language. Put quotes around the title of a short story, essay, poem, song, magazine or newspaper.article, or book chapter. “
Parentheses Use parentheses to include material that you want to de-emphasize or that wouldn't normally fit into the flow of your text but you want to include nonetheless Example: Thirty-five years after his death, Robert Frost (we remember him at Kennedy's inauguration) remains America's favorite poet. ( )
Brackets Use brackets to include explanatory words or phrases within quoted language Example: Lew Perkins, the Director of Athletic Programs, said, “Pumita Espinoza, the new soccer coach [at Notre Dame Academy] is going to be a real winner.” [ ]
Dash/Hyphen Use a dash in between compound words, numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine, and to divide a word when you run out of room at the end of a line Example: You are 12-year-old geniuses! -
Slash Use a slash to indicate a choice between the words it separates Example: Using the pass/fail option backfired on her; she could've gotten an A. /
Underlining / Italicizing Text Use italics or underline the title of a book, play, film, television series, works of art, magazine, or newspaper.