Suzanne Douglas Associate Director NHS North West Leadership Academy Creating Connections and Building Relationships across the System: Navigating the ‘New’ Space Suzanne Douglas Associate Director NHS North West Leadership Academy
Purpose Introduce a number of key projects that have been developing across the region Unique perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of working together across systems Interactive style; creating the opportunity to discuss and question the conditions and behaviours that enable this kind of working Creating connections and building relationships across the system Loads of learning and good practice across the region – sometimes more the time and space to make connections and learn. Wanted to create a space to share learning around developing system leadership skills/behaviours Offering unique perspectives, with contributors from across the public sector space and beyond – sharing their insights and learning in the work they have been undertaking around systems leadership An opportunity to discuss and debate and share learning, from the work presented. Reciprocal learning in the session; participants: what can I learn and what can I share from my own experiences? Building a bank of knowledge across the representative system in this room – building relationships and connections
Contributors Warrington: Helping to shape and deliver a collaborative system leadership engagement and development programme with partners across the Warrington system. South Manchester Systems Leadership approach #SysLeadershipMcr: Re-thinking what it means to be a leader with a real focus on working across organisational boundaries and with people to create a new space where everyone is a leader, working collaboratively to drive change. Leading GM: How the Leading GM programme is connecting and developing leaders to navigate the ‘new’ space and transform public services across Greater Manchester, to deliver the ‘Our People, Our Place’ and ‘Taking Charge’ strategies. Shelter: How Shelter have been navigating the “new” space; working in more integrated spaces across the public sector and beyond.
The logistics 20 minutes of interactive discussion and presentation at your station Rotate once as below You will visit 2 of 4 stations, maximising discussion time in each space Starting station Rotation station: 1. Leading GM – Rita Evans and Triona Buckley 2. Warrington – Penny Aspden and Jo Taylor 2. Warrington – Penny Aspden and Jo Taylor 3. South Manchester – Claire Tomkinson, Peta Stross, Lisa Jones 4. Shelter – James Harding Only rotate through 2 stations maximise – all materials will be shared however so not missing out Rotations as follows – so if you have a number 1 on your postcard, start at station 1 and move to station 2 when we signal; if you start at station 2 etc. AND use your postcards to capture 3 insights across your discussions; we will share (there is another slide after this with a visual on for this) Start everyone off – approx 20mins at the station, then move people on ?give 1 minute warning for moving. Remember to time the 20mins
On your postcards capture 3 insights from your discussions and share on the wall At end – remind people – we want to capture learning and insights and share across the whole festival – share your learning and leave on the wall and we will compile and share back.