RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “The Rapture”, we learnt that at the rapture, Christ will appear in the air to resurrect the dead saints along with the living believers. Sinners are to make haste to repent and embrace Christ as their Saviour while the saints of God are to watch and pray ‘lest that day come upon them unprepared’.
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 703: DIVINE JUDGMENT ON ELI’S POSTERITY MEMORY VERSE: “ Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed” (I Samuel 2:30). TEXT: I Samuel 2:27-36.
SUMMARY Rebuke and condemnation of Eli’s sons (I Sam. 2:27-29;13:13; Pro. 27:5) Eli had the chance to set things right. He preferred the honour of his children to God’s glory. The Lord stepped in and condemned him for his negligence. In parental discipline, a firm resolve, corrective action and love must go together. Rejection and judgment of impenitent sinners (I Sam. 20:30-34; Mal. 2:1-3) Before judgment, God warns sinners through His servants. God cancelled His promise to Eli and his house and judged him. This shows the deception in the doctrine of eternal security. God will not bless backsliders. The raising and exaltation of faithful servants (I Sam. 2:35,36; I Cor. 4:1,2) God raises faithful ministers to replace unfaithful ones. No matter the degree of darkness, He will preserve faithful witnesses to keep the torch of truth burning. Unlimited blessings, honour and promotion abound for faithful servants.
QUESTION 1 Why was Eli also guilty of the sins of his sons? I Samuel 2:29
QUESTION 2 Why was Eli’s reproof of his sons unacceptable to God? I Timothy 5:20 Titus 1:13
QUESTION 3 God cancelled His promise to Eli. How does this make the doctrine of eternal security wrong? I Samuel 2:30 Exodus 32:33
QUESTION 4 What were the prophecies against Eli, his children and future generations? I Samuel 2:31-34,36
QUESTION 5 Mention the blessings attached to the priest’s family in Israel? I Samuel 2:35 Numbers 18:20
CONCLUSION God cancelled his promise to Eli and his descendants and judged them for their sins and Eli’s negligence. God does not bless backsliders. Parents must not only love their children, but correct them when they do wrong. The Lord rewards and exalts faithful servants to replace those found unfaithful.