STARFISH DISSECTION Makeup quiz Fall 2006
#3 1. This starfish is lying with its _______________ surface facing up. dorsal ventral 2. This is also called its ___________________ surface. #3
3. Name this opening. #3
4. These fleshy extensions that sit here are called the ___________________
Give a function for #4. Give another function for #4. #4
7. This white stripe is called the ____________________ 8. Name one of the structures found INSIDE #7.
9. Name this membrane sac. 10. Name its two parts. 11. Which of these sits underneath?
12. Name this small white spot.
13. The white spot is the opening for _______________ A. nitrogen waste B. feces C. sperm or eggs D. water
14. Give the body system for #12
#15. Name these two arms. #16. Name these 3 arms. #16 #16 #16 # #15 Image by Riedell/Vanderwal © 2005
#17 17. = ________________________ 18. Tell the substance produced by #17 that gives it its distinctive color 19. Give another function for #17 BESIDES MAKING #18. #17
20. Tell which part of the stomach #17 connects to.
21. This seastar is lying with its ______________ surface facing up. dorsal ventral 22. This is also called the __________________ surface.
At the tip of each arm is an______________(#23) Image by Riedell/Vanderwal © 2005 At the tip of each arm is an______________(#23) which can sense _______________ (#24)
25. Name this small white tube. 26. Name the body system for #25
27. This #25 tube connects the ________________ with the ___________________. (Use one line on your answer sheet) #25 #25
28. = ___________________ 29. Give a function for #28. 30. Give the body system for #28. #28
31. Name this trench where the feet sit. #31.
32. This web-like network in the skin is made of calcium carbonate plates called __________________. 33. Give the body system for #32. #32
35. Name the TWO parts #34 connects. 34. Name this part of the water vascular system that encircles the mouth. 35. Name the TWO parts #34 connects. (Use one line on answer sheet)
36. Name this space inside around the body organs. 37. When this starfish was alive this space was filled with __________________
#38. These thin strips under the digestive glands are the _______________ #39. Name the body system for #38. 40. TRUE or FALSE Starfish are hermaphrodites.
#41. The blue structures are ____________ This diagram represents the 3 structures you learned about on the surface of a starfish. #41. The blue structures are ____________ #42. Give the function for #41. #43. The red structures are ______________ #44. Give the function for #43. #45. The green structures are _______________ #46. Give the function for #45.
BONUS: Tell the vocab word that describes what this starfish is doing. Image by Riedell/Vanderwal © 2005 BONUS: Tell the vocab word that describes what this starfish is doing.