Wordly Wise 1
Day 1 Copy the definition for each word Day 1 Copy the definition for each word. Make sure to include the part of speech. Acknowledge- V. To admit the existence of. Authority- N. The right to give orders, make decisions, or take action. Devastate- V. To ruin or destroy completely. Estimate- V. To figure out roughly; to make an approximate calculation. Impartial- Adj. Not favoring one side more than another; fair.
Day 2 Copy the definition for each word Day 2 Copy the definition for each word. Make sure to include the part of speech. Infuriate- V. To make very angry Irrelevant- Adj. Having nothing to do with the subject. Precise- Adj. Exact; accurate. Sham- N. Something fake or false. Trek- N. A long, slow, and difficult journey.
Day 3 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word Day 3 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word. Write the whole sentence. The governor has the right under law to appoint judges to state courts. Those called for jury duty are expected to be fair and not favor either side. The parts of a jigsaw puzzle must be cut with very great care if they are to fit together properly.
Day 4 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word Day 4 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word. Write the whole sentence. The carpenter will give a rough idea of the cost of building the deck. We made a long and difficult journey across the desert for days. The boy’s room looked completely ruined after the toys were scattered everywhere.
Friday Funny
Day 5 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word. Acknowledge Infuriate Sham
Day 6 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word. Devastate Impartial Precise
Day 7 Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word.
Day 8 Draw a picture for each word: Infuriate Sham Trek
Friday funny
Day 9 Write a sentence for each word: Precise Authority Impartial
Day 10 Write a sentence for each word: Sham Trek Estimate
Day 11 Journal about a time when you were devastated. Write at least 3 sentences describing what happened and how you felt.
Day 12 If you could choose any place, where would you make a trek to? Write at least 3 sentences describing where you would go and why.
Friday Funny
Day 13 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word. Irrelevant Trek Authority
Day 14 Without looking, list as many vocab words and their definitions as you can. See if you can list all ten.
Study for the quiz.
12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B or c 18. D 19.B 20.D 21. D 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.E A B D