English unit 2 Week 5
Monday Take out 4 pop cream
POS Review Bellwork and grammar
Bellwork https://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=sZzG1jg4Ifo Watch the video. Write down at least 3 adverbs you hear. Write down at least 1 thing to help you remember what an adverb does.
Vocab 4 Vocab
Vocab continuity indignation callous volatile appalled Homework: Find the definitions for each word.
cream writing
cream Used for argumentative essays C- Claim R- Reasons E-Evidence A- Alternative argument M – Make it count!
Essay Outline writing
outline 2 Lines per Item Identify each section
introduction 1. Background Information ** 2. Thesis Statement
Body paragraphs 1 and 2 1. Topic Sentence 2. Evidence 3. Support 4. Transition and Evidence 2 5. Support 2 6. Sum it up
Alternative ARgument 1. Topic Sentence 2. Evidence 3. Support (opposite support) 4. Transition and Evidence 2 (new claim or continued) 5. Support (opposite support) 6. Sum it up
Tuesday Take out bellwork, vocab, essay plan, and outline
Pos review Bellwork and grammar
Bellwork conjunctions https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=RPoBE-E8VOc Write down 3 conjunctions you hear. Write down 1 way to remember conjunctions
Vocab 4 Vocab
Vocab continuity indignation callous volatile appalled Homework: Find the definitions for each word.
Check yourself Does your paper from yesterday match the handout? What do you need to pay attention to for next time? hey
outline Start filling in your outline based on the three items you picked. Two are most important One is argued by someone else to be most important and you argue it’s not.
Wednesday Take out
Guest speaker Mr. Dulaney
Vocab 4 Vocab
Vocab continuity indignation callous volatile appalled Homework: Find the definitions for each word.
Thursday Take out
Vocab 4 Vocab
Vocab continuity indignation callous volatile appalled Homework: Find the definitions for each word.
Quiz 3 and 4 Vocab
Quiz 3 and 4 You may use notes. After you hand in your paper, begin reading chapter 9 and 10
Chapter 9 and 10 Vocab
Chapter 9 and 10 Double Entry Diary for chapters 9 and 10 Things that help/hinder survival Problems that have/will occur Anything else relating to survival