Welcome Ms. Bard English IV, English IV Honors, English III Honors J.P. Taravella High School Jennifer.bard@browardschools.com www.msbard.com
ENGLISH IV / ENGLISH IV (H) Reading, writing, Speaking, Listening Post-Secondary planning & preparation British Literature test-taking strategies Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Florida Collections digital awareness /21st century technologies
ENGLISH III (H) Reading, writing, Speaking, Listening American Literature Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Florida Collections test-taking strategies digital awareness 21st century technologies.
REQUIRED MATERIALS * (At least one) pocket/prong folder (Seniors only) * Writing Utensils ( I do not provide them) * College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper * Current class text USB / Flash Drive / Online Storage Space (i.e. dropbox) * Gmail account: username should contain student’s name & sound professional.
ORGANIZATIONAL PROCEDURES seating extra credit calendars
TECHNOLOGY Quia.com Vocab.com Google docs. TurnItIn.com Student Response Systems(plicker, Socrative, etc) NewsELA Canvas NoRedInk.com Flip This! Lessons
ACADEMIC HONESTY Cheating and/or plagiarizing, in any form, will not be tolerated. Students who do so will receive an F on their assignment or test, a call home, and a detention. Turnitin.com
MAKE-UP WORK Thus, students who have unexcused absences on the date Students shall be given an opportunity to make up work as dictated by SBBC policy 6000.1, which reads: 1) Make-up work is allowed for full credit and grade for excused absences. 2) Make-up work is allowed for unexcused absences. Teachers may record a 10% reduction in the grade for homework, and record the lowest passing grade (e.g., “D” or “60”) for tests and major projects that meet standards or proficiency. Thus, students who have unexcused absences on the date of a project due, test, or quiz will receive a maximum grade of 60% if assignment is submitted and/or will lose 10% of any homework grade for an unexcused absence!
MAKE-UP WORK (continued) It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for, and to complete, make-up assignments. Two days (not including the day of return) are allowed for each day of absence or field trip. Tests and quizzes can be made up on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, after school in room 533, or during personalization period, if agreed upon by Ms. Bard and the study hall teacher. Students are to make up the test or quiz missed on the make-up day following the missed assessment to receive credit.
Questions? Ms. Bard English IV, English IV Honors, English III Honors J.P. Taravella High School Jennifer.bard@browardschools.com www.msbard.com
Welcome to Open House! Ms. Bard English IV, English IV Honors, English III Honors J.P. Taravella High School Jennifer.bard@browardschools.com www.msbard.com
WHAT IS STUDY HALL????? Study Hall is a period that provides students with valuable uninterrupted time for individual study. Students will utilize this time to work on class assignments, read appropriate literature or use technology for schoolwork, reports, research and other educational activities. In addition, the last 45 minutes of study hall each week period will be spent playing academic / critical thinking / team building games; this will lend to personalization existing among the instructor and students.
* Study Hall is a mandatory for all students. * Students will attend study hall during assigned period. (Class cuts will result in an administrative referral.) * Students are to rrive to class on time; after school detention(s) will be issued for unexcused tardies.
Acceptable Use of Study Hall Unacceptable Use of Study Hall Work on homework Study for a test Read a text book, novel or article Work on a project Conduct research Review or preview class assignments Check grades Utilize available technologies for academic reasons Work on post-secondary preparatory items. Using cell phones for making or receiving calls, texting, or using social media; Playing non- academic electronic games; Sleeping Moving from assigned seat, unless directed by instructor Distracting others Talking without prior approval from the teacher