Random Noise in Seismic Data: Types, Origins, Estimation, and Removal Principle Investigator: Dr. Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri Co-Investigators: Ahmed Abdul Quadeer Babar Hasan Khan Ahsan Ali
Acknowledgements Saudi Aramco Schlumberger SRAK KFUPM
Outline Introduction A breif overview of Noise and Stochastic Process Linear Estimation Techniques for Noise Removal Least Squares Minimum-Mean Squares Expectation Maximization Kalman Filter Random Matrix Theory Conclusion
Introduction Seismic exploration has undergone a digital revolution – advancement of computers and digital signal processing Seismic signals from underground are weak and mostly distorted – noise! The aim of this presentation – provide an overview of some very constructive concepts of statistical signal processing to seismic exploration
What is a Stochastic Process? What is Noise? Noise simply means unwanted signal Common Types of Noise: Binary and binomial noise Gaussian noise Impulsive noise What is a Stochastic Process? Broadly – processes which change with time Stochastic – no specific patterns
Tools Used in Stochastic Process? Statistical averages - Ensemble Autocorrelation function Autocovariance function
Linear Estimation Techniques for Noise Removal
Linear Model Consider the linear model Mathematically, In Matrix form,
Least Squares & Minimum Mean Squares Estimation
Least Squares & Minimum Mean Squares Estimation Advantages: Linear in the observation y. MMSE estimates blindly given the joint 2nd order statistics of h and y. Problem: X is generally not known! Solution: Joint Estimation!
Joint Channel and Data Recovery
Expectation Maximization Algorithm One way to recover both X and h is to do so jointly. Assume we have an initial estimate of h then X can be estimated using least squares from The estimate can in turn be used to obtain refined estimate of h The procedure goes on iterating between x and h
Expectation Maximization Algorithm Problems: Where do we obtain the initial estimate of h from? How could we guarantee that the iterative procedure will consistently yield better estimates?
Utilizing Structure To Enhance Performance Channel constraints: Sparsity Time variation Data Constraints Finite alphabet constraint Transmit precoding Pilots
Kalman Filter A filtering technique which uses a set of mathematical equations that provide efficient and recursive computational means to estimate the state of a process. The recursions minimize the mean squared error. Consider a state space model
Forward Backward Kalman Filter Estimates the sequence h0, h1, …, hn optimally given the observation y0, y1, …, yn.
Forward Backward Kalman Filter Forward Run:
Forward Backward Kalman Filter Backward Run: Starting from λT+1|T = 0 and i = T, T-1, …, 0 The desired estimate is
Comparison Over OSTBC MIMO-OFDM System
Use of Random Matrix Theory for Seismic Signal Processing
Introduction To Random Matrix Theory Wishart Matrix PDF of the eigenvalues
Example: Estimation of power and the number of sources
Covariance Matrix and its Estimate
Eigen Values of Cx
Free Probability Theory R-Transform S-Transform
Approximation of Cx
The Ideas presented here are commonly used in Digital Communication But when applied to seismic signal processing can produce valuable results, with of course some modifications For Example: Kalman Filter, Random Matrix Theory