Reproduction For the intro to reproduction, I want to create a fun, trivia based game, perhaps males vs. females. Please write down questions you think the opposite sex would not be able to answer or might be funny to answer. Also, if you have an idea for a trivia game idea for the class.
Chapter 8, Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 Endocrine System
What As A Gland? A gland is a group of cells that produces and secretes a chemical. Exocrine Glands: (exo = out) Secrete chemicals outside of the body, or outside of the bloodstream. They have ducts. Ex. Salivary glands, sweat glands. Endocrine Glands: (endo = within) secret hormones that are released in the bloodstream and transported to target cells/tissues/organs. They are ductless. Ex: Adrenal glands
Endocrine System The endocrine system is comprised of a series of glands that secrete hormones. The hormones have a wide array of effects and control or regulate many of the bodies functions and systems.
Glands of the Endocrine System Hypothalamus Pituitary Pineal Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus Adrenal Pancreas Ovaries Testes Pineal Body
Pituitary Gland “The Master Gland” Controls all other endocrine glands by producing hormones to regulate them. Two lobes Anterior which makes its own hormones. Posterior which stores and releases hormones made in the hypothalamus.
Hypothalamus The main link between the nervous system and endocrine system. Controls the pituitary gland (which controls everything else in the system).
Thyroid Located in the throat. Regulates metabolism by controlling they rate at which cells burn nutrients. Also responsible for lowering calcium levels in the blood when they get high.
Parathyroid Four tiny glands attached to the thyroid. Raise the level of calcium in the blood when it gets low.
Thymus In the chest, between lungs. Secretes hormones important in the development of a healthy immune system (stimulates the development of T cells) After puberty, it starts to shrink and is slowly replaced by fat.
Adrenal Glands On top of the kidneys. Each has two parts: Adrenal Cortex: (exterior), release hormones involved in salt and water balance, stress response, metabolism, immune response, sexual development. Adrenal Medulla (interior): makes epinephrine & norepinepherine to respond to stress
Pancreas Part of the digestive and endocrine systems. Regulates blood glucose levels by producing two hormones: insulin and glucagon.
Gonads Ovaries & Testes Produce sex hormones that regulate development (puberty!) Hormones produced by the testes regulate sperm production. Hormones produced by the ovaries are involved in egg release, the menstrual cycle, and pregnancy.
Pineal Gland Produces melatonin, which is involved in sleep.
Endocrine System vs. Nervous System The signals of the endocrine system are purely chemical. Nervous system involves electrochemical impulses. Hormones are secreted into the blood stream. Nerve impulses are very fast. Endocrine responses can take more time. Hormone effects can be very general and effect many parts of the body. The nervous system tends to work in a more localized manner. Effects of the nervous system tend to be short lived. Effects of the endocrine system tend to be longer lasting.