Recent news and updates from Norway Use of statistics from the data warehouse Natasha Harkness 18.11.2018
When/why do we need statistics Track the change in applicants’ behaviour Discover deviation from the rules when we control and register general certificates of secondary education (GCSEs) in the National database and use in the automatic admission process Assist the Ministry of education in various issues: Changing admissions regulations (general and special admissions criteria, selection of the applicants) 18.11.2018
Before: developer driven statistical reports Sql → statistical report (shows this year’s applicants with GCSEs that did not pass the documentation requirements specified by the authorities) 18.11.2018
Data warehouse Database for general certificates of secondary education (Soon 1 mln GCSEs) Data warehouse Statistical reports ↑ Joint data Programs Subjects Grades GPA Application database (Over 100.000 applicants each year) Applicants Admissions requirements 18.11.2018
Now: administrative manager driven statistics Data warehouse → statistical report shows this year’s applicants with GCSEs that did not pass the documentation requirements specified by the authorities Deviation from the rules easier identified and presented. Variables for the desired report are easily modified 18.11.2018
Report example for the Ministry of Education Question «What if we did something else?» Estimate the ammount of qualified applicants in case of introducing new admissions requirements. Show the results for both genders Here introducing special requirements for nurse studies (minimum grades in Norwegian and Math and minimum GPA) Results (obvious) → The more you require the fewer potential applicants you get. Still details vary and are easily discovered and analysed by use of statistical reports from the data warehouse 18.11.2018
Thank you for showing interest in news from Norway! Questions about statistics in Norway: Questions about regulations in Norway: Questions about National database for GCSEs: OR 18.11.2018