“ABC – 123 PROJECT John Q. Student This is the title slide.
STANDARDS: BMA-BT-2: Use technology as a tool. BMA-BT-8: Develop personal leadership skills to work on teams. Do not include this slide. About the project: This slide includes the standards for the project. Purpose: This project will be designed by high school students to help younger students (in grades k-1) learn and review the alphabet, numbers, site words, and basic addition and subtraction facts.
Alphabet slides will include: Letters A-Z –showing upper and lowercase of each letter, a word, and a picture . Do not include this slide. -Letters should be size 180-200 -Provide animation of the picture, letters, and the word.
Aa apple *The letters should be size 200 or bigger. *Font for the word should be about 115-200. *The picture should be proportionate in size to the letter and word (not too big, not too small). *Animate at least one item on the slide.
This is an optional Introductory slide which would be helpful in introducing the3 section (Alphabet and Numbers). Let’s Count to 20!
1 one *The numbers should be size 200 or bigger. *Font for the word should be about 115-200. *The picture should be proportionate in size to the letter and word (not too big, not too small).