Microsoft Azure for SQL Server Professionals Armando lacerda @arlacerda | linkedin | facebook
Agenda Azure Cloud EcoSystem VM Disks Azure SQL DB & Elastic Pools Other Data Storage Options
Cloud Services Models
Express Route
Express Route
Express Route
Express Route
Azure EcoSystem demo
Virtual Machines and VHDs Lift and Shift approach Never performs like on premises! Requires files and filegroups strategy
VM Disks Traditional Approach Current Approach VHD in blob container 60 MB/s limit per blob Blob container limits Current Approach Managed Disks 200 MB/s limit per disk
Backup and Restore Redundancy is native Backup to other disks Backup to Blob Storage
Virtual Machines and Backups demo
File-Snapshot Backup
On premises datafiles placement
File-Snapshot Backup Azure Blob Storage .mdf 5GB .ndf 100 GB Azure VM SQL Instance .ndf 200 GB .ndf 200 GB .ndf 200 GB .ndf 200 GB
File-Snapshot Backup demo
Azure SQL DB and Elastic Pools PaaS offering No concerns on VHDs, managed disk, throughput, etc. Performance measure in DTUs Requires authentication review Almost full compatibility with on-prem SQL No inter-database dependencies No file management
Azure SQL DB Share DTUs among multiple databases Great for saving on costs Does not change functionality Slow when multiple DBs demand peak workload
Azure SQL DB and Elastic DB demo
Azure Data Warehouse and NoSQL options
No SQL Options demo
Why are you still taking backups? Links (cont.): File-snapshot backup Data platform blog Armando lacerda @arlacerda | linkedin | facebook