A Good View
A man strengthens himself by exercising his will, using his abilities in a wide variety of situations and learning to follow God’s guidance in his life. As discussed in the last Trail, he utilizes his armor to defend himself as he moves forward in his quest to help others. A man has been given a second level of defense which is used throughout his lifetime. This defense system is called chain mail; it is a series of filters and beliefs that are part of his long-term memory which affect what he expects from his daily life. One of the ways a man protects himself is by anticipating what is going to happen before it happens.
Unfortunately, the protection that the chain mail offers the man through his ability to predict also brings with it the potential to hurt the man by narrowing his vision. His past acts as a lens through which he views and defines his life. This lens becomes distorted when he has unresolved issues which then affect his future choices. There are a lot of good things in life that we can miss when our view is limited by our pre-conceived ideas.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: A. Develops a true perspective which helps us see life for what it is and what it may become. B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 1. Unfortunately, the lenses which have been created as a result of threats or emotional turmoil carry more weight in terms of our predictive mindset.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 2. The lenses we develop as a result of the wounds we experience in our relationships vary based on how significant the person is to us.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 3. Our mother, as one of our primary nurturers, creates a powerful chain mail filter within us. This lens affects what we expect in relation to: Our definition of ourselves and our value.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 3. Our mother, as one of our primary nurturers, creates a powerful chain mail filter within us. This lens affects what we expect in relation to: Our perceptions of what women are like.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 3. Our mother, as one of our primary nurturers, creates a powerful chain mail filter within us. This lens affects what we expect in relation to: Our ability to trust others.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 4. Our father, who is significant as a nurturer and a model, creates a lens within us that causes us to develop certain expectations regarding what a man is and what a man should or should not do.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 5. Any important adult role model, such as a teacher, a friend or a relative will create a lens through which we learn to understand the forest.
He was crippled as a child, but given mercy and kindness from a king. (2 Samuel 16:1-4)
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 6. Our significant peer relationships create lenses that either support or conflict with our view of ourselves.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 7. Our view of our body affects us as we become aware of our appearance, genetic capabilities and physical strength.
Our chain mail organizes the filters that are created as a result of our experiences which allows us to anticipate what will happen in the future. Because of this, our chain mail: B. Develops weak links that cause us to distort reality because of our negative mindset. 8. A different kind of lens is created any time an emotionally significant event or trauma occurs which is outside of our control.
A. No one can enter adulthood entirely free of filter inaccuracies. The knight learns to understand and utilize his positive filters while, at the same time, working to change the lenses that were created when he was younger which are distorted. A. No one can enter adulthood entirely free of filter inaccuracies. B. As a result of their lens distortions, many males find themselves in the same negative circumstances over and over again.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: A. The trail marker of the tribe. This trail marker contributes to a man’s life as a result of his participation in a community. The community ultimately reproduces itself through the lenses that are created in its children. The tribe: 1. Establishes rules and behaviors that support the safety of its members, provide positive expectations for the community and encourage harmony within the community.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: A. The trail marker of the tribe. This trail marker contributes to a man’s life as a result of his participation in a community. The community ultimately reproduces itself through the lenses that are created in its children. The tribe: 2. Provides opportunities for social involvement through which relationships are developed.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: A. The trail marker of the tribe. This trail marker contributes to a man’s life as a result of his participation in a community. The community ultimately reproduces itself through the lenses that are created in its children. The tribe: 3. Creates beliefs that define the greater good of the community as more important than one person’s personal convenience.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: A. The trail marker of the tribe. This trail marker contributes to a man’s life as a result of his participation in a community. The community ultimately reproduces itself through the lenses that are created in its children. The tribe: 4. Encourages personal development through its medical, educational, legal and religious systems.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: B. The trail marker of the elders. This trail marker is especially important to younger males who tend to learn more through active pursuits than through words alone. 1. The elders in a community have developed perseverance and have clarified their own lenses, which enables them to assist others who are in the process of changing their lenses.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: B. The trail marker of the elders. This trail marker is especially important to younger males who tend to learn more through active pursuits than through words alone. 2. Elders have wisdom which can be shared which helps a man to broaden his perspective on life.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: B. The trail marker of the elders. This trail marker is especially important to younger males who tend to learn more through active pursuits than through words alone. 3. Elders have skills that can be transferred to any eager student (e.g., fix cars, work on computers, build houses).
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: B. The trail marker of the elders. This trail marker is especially important to younger males who tend to learn more through active pursuits than through words alone. 4. The elders have influence as they set high expectations for what it means to be a man.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: B. The trail marker of the elders. This trail marker is especially important to younger males who tend to learn more through active pursuits than through words alone. 5. Elders model a realistic view of what life is truly about.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: C. Personal standards. These are principles that are chosen as behavioral guidelines which the young man can use to make decisions. D. The soul’s inner voice wants to help the man fulfill his life’s purpose and develop his strengths.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: E. A man’s spirituality is developed through an ongoing relationship with God and affects the clarity of his lenses in several ways: 1. A man’s spirituality encourages him to make sure that his view of reality is true and honest, which in effect requires his lenses to be accurate. 2. A man’s spirituality helps him to understand the underlying reasons for the negative influences that exist within the forest.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: E. A man’s spirituality is developed through an ongoing relationship with God and affects the clarity of his lenses in several ways: 3. A man’s spirituality helps him develop a realistic plan which increases his ability to cope with life’s challenges and gives him the strength to make the right choices.
There are five trail markers that can help a man to understand and change his lenses, all of which help him develop a more mature outlook on life: E. A man’s spirituality is developed through an ongoing relationship with God and affects the clarity of his lenses in several ways: 4. A man’s spirituality helps him confront the lenses that exist as a result of his woundedness and assists in his healing process through his relationship with God. 5. The study of the Bible and a man’s acceptance of it as a true resource assists the man, as it can be used as a standard against which to evaluate his lenses.