Geology - Legislation Acts of the Council of Ministers: SUBSURFACE RESOURCES ACT This Act was passed by the XXXVIII National Assembly on 26 February 1999; Promulgated State Gazette(SG) No. 23/12.03.1999 Acts of the Council of Ministers: Tariff for the charges that are collected upon submission of applications for granting of licence for prospecting and/or exploration and for granting of concession for extraction. Decree No125/16.06.99; SG No57/25.06.1999. Tariff for the annual charges for the area that are collected from the holders of licences for prospecting and/or exploration. Decree No125/16.06.99; SG No57/25.06.1999. Regulation for the principles and methods for determining the concession payment for extraction of subsurface resources according Subsurface resources act. Decree No127/21.06.99; SG No59/29.06.1999. Regulation for the geological and technical documentation of exploration and mining and extraction sites. Decree No223/01.12.1999; ST No108/10.12.1999. Regulation for the register and cadastre of licences for prospecting and/or exploration. Decree No233/14.12.1999; SG No111/21.12.1999. Regulation for the compilation and keeping of the national balance of reserves, the register of funds of subsurface resources and the specialized cadastre of deposits. Decree No232/14.12.1999; SG No21.12.1999. Regulation for the National Geofund. Decree No264/30.12.1999. ST No6/21.01.2000. Tariff for the charges that are collected in the system of the Ministry of Environment and Water. Decree No 110/21.06.2000; SG No52/27.06.2000.
Legislation to be adopted in near future: Acts of the Minister of the Environment and Water: Regulation for the terms and procedure for mandatory coordination of the annual designs for prospecting, exploration, extraction and primary processing of subsurface resources, of the designs for liquidation or preservation of geological survey and mining sites and of the designs modifications and additions. SG No 6/21.01.2000. Legislation to be adopted in near future: Strategy for the development of geological exploration and protection of subsurface in Republic of Bulgaria up to year 2010. Changes in Subsurface Resources Act.
Implementation of Legislation - achievements and challenges Competent Authorities according Subsurface Resource Act : Council of Ministers - CM Ministry of Environment and water - MEW Ministry of Economics - ME Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works - MRDPW State Agency of Energy and Energy Resources - SAEER Subsurface Resource Act is in force since 1999. The results form implementation up to 12.04.2001 are as follows: Received Applications for Prospecting and/or Exploration Permits - 229 Permits Granted - 102 Concessions Granted - 65 Discovery Granted - 8
Implementation of Legislation - achievements and challenges
Implementation of Legislation - Oil&Gas Exploration
Implementation of Legislation - Metallic Mineral Resources Exploration