PSYC540 History and Systems of Psychology The Gestaltists: Different From the Sum of Their Parts Pioneering African American Psychologists PSYC540 History and Systems of Psychology
A Few Major Influences Emmanuel Kant Ernst Mach Franz Brentano
Mach’s Band
Max Wertheimer (1880-1943)
The Phi Phenomenon
Zootrope (Zoetrope)
Kurt Koffka (1886-1941)
Gestalt Principles of Organization
Wolfgang Köhler (Koeler) 1887-1967
Sultan, the Amazing Ape (1927)
Kurt Lewin 1890-1947
Bulma Zeigarnik (1901-1988)
Inez Beverly Prosser 1897-1934
Ruth Winifred Howard 1900-1997
Kenneth B. Clark 1914-2005
Mamie P. Clark 1917-1983
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