Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life Unit 1 Chapter 1
New properties emerge at each level in hierarchy Emergent Properties: Due to arrangement and interactions of parts as complexity increases EX: photosynthesis, nerve cells
Properties of Life Order Evolutionary Adaptations Response to the environment Reproduction Growth and development Regulation Energy Processing
Big Ideas in AP Biology Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. *Evolution is the fundamental organizing principle of biology and core theme in this book
Big Ideas in AP Biology Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and to maintain homeostasis. * Includes: interactions between organisms and their environments, energy transfer and transformation
Big Ideas in AP Biology Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. *Through DNA structure and function and gene expression
Classifying the Diversity of Life
What is Science? Inquiry: search for information and explanation Two main processes: Discovery science Hypothesis-based science
Ex: All organisms are made of cells Discovery Science Describes nature through observation and analysis of data Data = recorded observations Qualitative and quantitative Inductive reasoning: derive generalizations based on large numbers of specific observations specific general Ex: All organisms are made of cells
Hypothesis-Based Science Hypothesis: makes predictions that can be tested by additional observations and experiments Deductive reasoning (general specific) Ex: If all organisms are made of cells and humans are organisms, then humans are composed of cells. If … , then … because… . Predict outcomes of experiments if the hypothesis is sound
Experiments Hypothesis (If …, then ... because…) Use control and experimental groups Independent Variable – what is manipulated/changed in the experiment Dependent Variable – what is measured If [independent variable], then [dependent variable] because [scientific reasoning].
Hypothesis Explanation to specific question Based on data Tested by experiment or continued observation Either supported or not supported by results Theory Summarizes group of hypothesis supported by repeated testing Broader in scope New hypotheses can be generated from it Supported by massive body of evidence Scientific Law Statement of fact Explains things, but doesn’t describe them Generally accepted to be true and universal Basis for scientific method