FESTIVAL EaaS: una plataforma de federación de testbeds intercontinental Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 14 - 06 - 2017 Juan Ramón Santana (University of Cantabria)
Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander Summary FESTIVAL overview FESTIVAL Platform introduction FESTIVAL Platform architecture FESTIVAL portal demonstration 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
Context and motivation H2020 EU-Japan collaborative project. Smart ICT technologies and services need adequate platforms for testing and validation Testbeds difficult and expensive to setup for stakeholders that want to experiment their smart services Different testbeds in Europe (FIRE, FI-PPP, IERC), and in Japan (NICT’s Smart ICT testbeds) domain specific, isolated , heterogeneous access , lack of interoperability IoT applications dependant to physical locations Real-life testbeds. FESTIVAL Approach: Connect cyber world to the physical world, large city-scale deployments to small in lab environments, including dedicated spaces simulating real-life settings, federating them by homogeneous access APIs with an “Experimentation as a Service” (EaaS) model. 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
Train Station in Osaka Area FESTIVAL in a nutshell Santander - Join forces and connect & federate EU and JP platforms for experimenters (researchers, developpers, SMEs, web entrepreneurs, etc.) - Concrete, tangible smart ICT applications deployments, experimentations in the federated testbeds with real-user involvement Osaka Grand Front Osaka Train Station in Osaka Area 18/11/2018
Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander Festival assets 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander The EaaS platform What is FESTIVAL EaaS platform? The Eaas platform is a testbed federation platform which provides a set of APIs to access to resources from different testbeds, both from Europe and Japan. FESTIVAL taxonomy: an overview of the names used within the platform: Resources: assets provided by testbeds, belonging to the four FESTIVAL resource types: Open Data, IoT, IT or Living Labs resources. IT resources: mainly composed by virtual machines that can be instantiated. IoT resources: sensors and actuators that provide information, or are accessible, in real time. Open Data: datasets that are publicly available in different Open Data servers. Living Labs: those are visitors from different facilities, in Osaka and Lyon, that can be involved for surveys, focus groups, etc. Testbed: Experimental facility that provides to the experimenters specific types of resources. Testbeds are federated in FESTIVAL through the aggregators. Aggregator: the components that have in charge the resource based federation by integrating testbeds of the same type and providing a unique access to them. EaaS API: available API to access the resources from the FESTIVAL EaaS platform. Experimentation portal: graphical interface which uses the API to ease several tasks, such as: resource reservation, experiment creation, etc. Resource allocation: the action of allocating a resource to an experiment. This will allow to the experimenter the resource reservation/release, to ensure his/her access to the resource during the experiment lifetime. 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
FESTIVAL architecture 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
FESTIVAL architecture 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
The experiment workflow Account Creation and Secure access Experiment Creation Resource discovery and assigment Experiment starting and resource reservation Experiment execution and mesurements collection Experiment conclusion Results and KPI visualisation 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander The EaaS platform DEMO 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander
Call for Experimenters The call for experimenters is OPEN! http://www.festival-project.eu/en/?page_id=941 How to become an Experimenter? STEP 1 : Register on FESTIVAL website Consult documentation available on testbeds, platforms, APIs, privacy, etc. Fill the webform with basic info on you and your idea for an experiment STEP 2 : Access the Experimentation Portal Once registered, you have limited access to FESTIVAL Experimentation Portal. Discover the platform and test functions STEP 3 : Plan your experiment Your plan is validated, you are granted full access to the platform. Select resources & plan your experiment STEP 4 : Test, try, retry! Run your experiment, gather information, modify conditions Open until the end of September. Do not hesitate and contact us! helpdesk@festival-project.eu 18/11/2018 Jornadas Técnicas Rediris 2017 / Santander What is FESTIVAL EaaS platform?
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