Coach Rost Period 1: M220 Period 2: M218 Period 3: S208 Aquatic Science Coach Rost Period 1: M220 Period 2: M218 Period 3: S208
What is Aquatic Science?? Aquatic science is the study of the interactions of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components in aquatic environments. Students who successfully complete Aquatic Science will acquire knowledge of a variety of aquatic systems, conduct investigations and observations of aquatic environments, work collaboratively with peers and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Textbooks & Resources Students will use a variety of resources such as: Textbooks Journal Articles Internet Websites Formal/Informal conversations Coach Rost’s Website All notes and assignments given in class will be posted on teacher website. Students needing to make up notes, assignments or who wish to review material for tests and quizzes can find all information under the “STUDENT RESOURCES” tab. Link to website: Coach Rost Website
Required Materials Students need to have the following items in class EVERY DAY: Pen or Pencil (pencils preferred) Highlighter Loose Paper Spiral Notebook***** Spirals will be used to organized warm-ups, notes, labs and other class activities. Spirals will be picked up at the beginning of class and the return at the end of EVERY CLASS PERIOD!!!! The only exceptions for taking spirals home: To study for a test or quiz To finish a lab or class assignment
Grade Scale Grades in Aquatic Science will be scaled in the following format: Tests & Projects 40% Classwork & HW 35% Quizzes & Labs 25%
Class Rules Do NOT be late to class. Be in your seat and ready for class when the bell rings. Be mentally and physically prepared when you are in here. Respect others, yourself and classroom property (Especially the Aquariums) Cell phones need to be SILENT and OUT OF SIGHT unless told otherwise. Obey all district and class lab safety rules.
Behavior Step Process: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Student/ teacher conference 3. Parent Contact Made (email or phone call) 4 Teacher/ Parent conference 5. Office Referral
Absences Make up assignments and notes are the responsibility of the student. Notes, PPT’s and most assignments can be downloaded from teacher website under the “STUDENT RESOURCES” tab. If a student misses an assessment, the student will need to make an appointment to come in and make up the quiz or test. If a student misses a lab, they will be given an alternate assignment covering the same material or may be required to come in and make up the lab on their own time. Attendance is the key to passing this class. IF YOU ARE NOT IN CLASS THEN YOU WILL FAIL!
Year at a Glance: Fall Semester: Spring Semester: Unit 1 – What is Aquatic Science? Unit 2 – All About Water Unit 3 – Watersheds Unit 4 – Aquatic Ecosystems Pt. 1 Spring Semester: Unit 5 – Aquatic Ecosystems Pt. 2 Unit 6 – Oceanography Unit 7 – Human Impact on Water Unit 8 – Careers in Aquatics
Contact Info and Tutoring Times Email Coach Rost ( if you have any questions or concerns about classroom activities. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible (1 day at the latest) Tutoring times: - Every morning before school starting @ 7:45 - Rm: M218 or S208 (contact me beforehand so I know who to expect)