Art Criticism
Definition A systematic approach to studing a work of art
1. Description Describe the work of art. Subject? Medium? Product?
2. Analysis How is the work organized? Balance Focal Point Space
3. Interpretation What is the message the artist is trying to communicate? Content Feeling
4. Judgment Is it a good piece of art? WHY?
Alexei Butirskiy - Chance Meeting
Edward Hopper - Nighthawks
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party
Albrecht Dürer - Three Men of the Apocalypse
Jackson Polluck - Autumn Rhythm
M.C. Escher - Two Hands
Diego Rivera - Festival de las Flores
Mary Cassatt - On a Balcony during a Carnival
Alexei Butirskiy - Serenity
Joan Miró - Portrait of Juanita Obrador