Albemarle County Public Schools Greer Elementary School Classroom Addition and Improvements April 14, 2011
Project Scope Classroom and Art Studio Addition New Playground and Paved Play Area Fully Developed Courtyard Toilet Additions to Existing Primary Classrooms Minor Interior Renovations Additional Paved Parking Utilize LEED Design Principles, Strategies, and Elements
Project Goals Promote Expeditionary Learning, Inquiry, Exploration Create a Place where Students are excited about Learning Create a Place where Parents want to send their Children Provide Spaces for different types of Learning: “Cave”, “Watering Hole”, “Campfire”
Landscaped Bio-filter Classroom Addition and Courtyard Greer ES Site Discovery Trails Landscaped Bio-filter Playground / Paved Play Classroom Addition and Courtyard New Parking
Classroom Addition Classrooms with Toilets Art Studio and Art Courtyard Gallery and Student Work Area Resource Room: Kindergarten Kitchen, Copier, Meetings Support Spaces: Custodial, Storage, etc. Courtyard
Paired Classrooms Operable Wall between Classrooms Door from Each Classroom to a Covered Patio and to the Playground Work Area space in the Corridor outside each Classroom Pair “Cave” Area in each Classroom Wet Area for Projects Built-in Storage for Students and Teachers
Art Studio Natural Light and Visibility: Sloped Ceiling, Clearstory Windows, Interior Windows from Adjacent Spaces, Views and Access to the Courtyard Computer Stations and “Green Screen” Accommodations for Special Needs Students Kiln Room and Storage Areas Multiple Sinks at Different Heights Partially Shaded Exterior Art Courtyard
Section at Art Studio
Student Work and Gallery “Watering Hole”: Space for Performances, Gatherings, Exhibitions, Displays Sloped Ceiling and Clearstory Windows Interior Windows to Adjacent Spaces Views into the Courtyard Direct Connection to the Art Studio
Section at Student Work and Gallery
Courtyard Fully Developed: to support Multiple Types of Learning Outdoor Classroom Amphitheater: “Campfire” Possible Features: Sculpture Display, Sundial, Weather Station, Raised Planters, Water, Number Line, History Line, Boulders from different types of Rocks, Murals Tables, Benches, Seating Connection to: Discovery Trails, Landscaped Biofilter, Exhibits
Budget and Schedule Estimated Construction Costs: Project Schedule: $3.6 million Project Schedule: Design: December 2010 to July 2011 Bidding: August 2011 Construction: September 2011 to August 2012
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