Lumen Print Creative exploration of Lumen process. Independent and sustained development of different ideas. Comparison between 2 artists/photographers Lumen print that show long and short exposure. Use of a variety of different objects. Annotation of outcomes. Comparison between artists lumen prints How print was creatied. Creative arrangement of objects. different translucencies. Annotation print A print with different shapes/objects used to create a print. Annotation of outcome To explore Lumen print process and evaluate the process Produce lumen print using acetate, objects. Create a long and short exposure prints Analyse lumen prints by William Henry Fox Talbot and another artist/photographer
Need more help? Attend after school sessions To explore alternative photography - Lumen Prints Lumen prints are made by taking sheets of unexposed black-and-white photo paper and placing objects or negatives on top. You then take the paper out into the sun. The results will vary due to exposure times, density of objects or negative, quality of light and, most importantly, the type of paper. You can expose the paper for 30mins, half an hour, a day or a week. You will get a different effect every time, making each print unique. Aside from plants, try using any opaque material such as glass, plastic, artificial flowers, stencils, etc. Mix and match. How to create your print Take photographic paper Place objects on top You can use a frame to keep the objects flat Leave in the sun for short or long exposure time William Henry Fox Talbot Need more help? Attend after school sessions