The Industrial Revolution: Growth of Cities A Mapping Activity Developed by DeBusk, 2013
Directions Follow the directions carefully to complete your map. Use the “tools” (pictures) your teacher gives you to help build your city. Once we go on, we CANNOT go back. Developed by DeBusk, 2013
England-1700s Cities were normally near water for transportation. Add a river (blue strip) across the center of your map. Add a bridge across your river. People lived on large farms Add 10 small homes with lots of land around Draw 4 roads in black Add 1 church and cemetery (every town had one!) Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1745-Things change New people begin to move to town. Some have money. Add 3 more small houses with lots of land. Add one large house. Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1773-Major Changes! The new people have brought new ideas like factories. They give capital for a new textile factory. Add a textile factory by the river. Why does it need to be by the river? The factory needs more workers. Add 5 more houses. Add 1 more church and cemetery. Bigger is better, right? Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1780-Factories need workers People hear about the good workers in your city. Two more rich people move in to build new factories. Add 2 more large houses Add 2 more factories (Where should they go?) Add 2 more roads to get to the factories. Factories need lots of workers Add 5 tenement buildings near the factories. Factories are good for us, right? Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1782-Different Life Many workers in the factory need help forgetting about the hard work they do. Add 2 churches and cemeteries. Add 2 bars/pubs. Rich factory owners want the best for their family Add 1 school for rich boys to attend. Add 2 HUGE homes. Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1790-Progress? The factories need a way to move the textiles. Add a railroad on one side of the river.. Now with a railroad, more processed goods can be made! Add 2 more factories Add 5 more tenement buildings for workers to live in. Add 2 Huge houses for factory owners. Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1815-Growth or Death? The factories are really starting to hurt the city. People are not excited about the factories coming to town. Add a large cemetery for all the people who are hurt or killed in the factories. Add a hospital near the rich people. Developed by DeBusk, 2013
1820-New Changes The poor people are more and more upset. Add 2 more bars/pubs. Add a jail. Developed by DeBusk, 2013
Developed by DeBusk, 2013
Development of Cities Reflection Cities grew because of ____________. People moved to the __________ to work in factories. People moving to cities is called _____________________. Factory workers lived in _________________ buildings. Factories created _____________ which caused many people to get sick. Urbanization City Pollution Tenement Factories Developed by DeBusk, 2013
Wrap Up What changes happened to your little city? How do you think people’s lives changed? The poor people? The rich people? Developed by DeBusk, 2013
Developed by DeBusk, 2013