IB World History Prescribed subject 2: Conquest and its impact Early History of Spain
Geography and Language in The Iberian peninsula IBWORLD HISOTRY Geography and Language in The Iberian peninsula
Geography- The Iberian Peninsula Location: southwestern tip of European continent Modern day : Spain, Portugal, Andorra, and the British colony of Gibraltar
Ancient References Greeks referred to the whole peninsula as “Iberia” Romans called it “Hispania” Region has always been multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain
Languages in Iberian Peninsula Most languages derived from Latin (Romance Languages) Legacy of centuries of Roman occupation 1. Castillian (Spanish) 2. Portuguese 3. Galician (Gallego) – still spoke by 3 million people in Northwest Spain
Languages in Iberian Peninsula 4. Catalan – related to the medieval language of Southern France, Occitan. 5. Aragonese – Romance language spoken in Aragon and Catalonia 6. Euskerra – language of Basque people. One of Europe’s oldest spoken languages. Predates Romance languages.
Languages in Iberian Peninsula 7. Arabic – came to Iberia with the Islamic conquerors in 8th century Some Spanish words are of Arabic origin Ex: Ojala (hopefully) comes from “Ma sha allah” which means “should God will it” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOe4mkzBdCs Similarities Between Spanish and Arabic – Annenberg Media, 2015
Languages in Iberian Peninsula 8. Hebrew – common language of Medieval Jewish communities
What is the Relationship Between Language, Conquest, and Power? By The original uploader was Alexandre Vigo at Galician Wikipedia - Transferred from gl.wikipedia to Commons., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7136297
Roman occupation of spain 3rd century bce – 4th century ce IBWORLD HISTORY Roman occupation of spain 3rd century bce – 4th century ce
Roman Occupation of Spain Roman conquest at end of 3rd century BCE to 4th century CE ________0_______ Romans imposed language, political and judicial , religious institutions Influenced language
Roman Occupation of Spain- Religion Religious observance followed political power People worshiped Greek and Roman gods polytheistic
Roman Occupation of Spain- Religion Christianity entered Hispania (Spain) in the 2nd century Roman Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in 312CE In 2014, a 4th century plate depicting Christian belief was found in Spain ->
Jaen Plate, 2014 – Early CHRISTIANITY IN SPAIN
Roman Occupation of SpAIN- Urban design Romans built cities modeled after Rome Introduced Roman Architecture and engineering
Urban Planning by Romans in Spain Romans laid out towns on a common rectilinear pattern Cardus – main north -south street Intersects… Decumanus – main east -west street Usually to form a square
Urban Planning by Romans in Spain Romans built infrastructure Aqueducts bridges, roads temples public baths schools Amphitheatres/ stadiums
Roman Occupation of Spain Established important centers of trade Port of Tarraco (now Tarragona) Corduba (now Cordoba) Merida
Tarragona, Spain
The Ancient Roman Empire in the west https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DftdSyNhso Start 11:49
The fall of the roman empire Rome was sacked by Germanic tribes in 410CE The Roman Empire fell in 476ce after an invasions from Germanic groups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcuVJUKZvx4 Start: 34:19
The visigothic kingdom in spain IBHW The visigothic kingdom in spain
Why did the visigoths invade the roman empire? 1. They felt oppressed by the Romans 2. As Visigoths’ population rose, they wanted more land 3. Roman agricultural land was more fruitful 4. They wanted to flee from the Huns from Central Asia
Who were the visigoths? Made up of an amalgamation of Germanic tribes Served as federates of the Roman Empire (acted as mercenaries in exchange for subsidies)
The visigoths and religion Converted to Arian Christianity in the 4th century Arian Christianity – the belief that God the son was a lesser figure than God the father
The visigoths and religion Christian conversion credited to a missionary named Ulfila or Wulfila in 4th century Tools of Conversion: He developed a Goth alphabet Gothic written language translated bible into Goth language
The visigoths and religion In 586CE Visigoth King Reccared announced conversion to Catholicism The rest of the royal family and those in position of power followed Probably converted for political reasons
The visigoths and religion The Gothic language faded away in Spain because it was connected to Arian Christianity (considered a heretical belief) As a result, Vulgar Latin replaced Gothic as the spoken language
Visigothic leadership & Power Kings elected by the nobility and Bishops (first Arian then Catholic) Royal rule was supposed to be pious, merciful, and just “King you will be if you do right… and if you do not do right, you will not be king”.
Visigothic lEADERSHIP & Power What are the potential weakness of the Visigoth’s political structure? “King you will be if you do right… and if you do not do right, you will not be king”. –
The visigothic code of laws- Document analysis "Laws form the most important portion of a nation's history," for from them, more impartially than from any other source, we derive information of the customs, virtues, vices, political ethics, faults, follies, and religious prejudices of a people. Especially is this true of the Visigothic Code. “ – S.P. SCOTT http://libro.uca.edu/vcode/visigoths.htm 1. each group will choose a book to read and analyze. 2. What are the values and limitations of your doc? 3. What do the laws you analyzed tell us about the the Visigoths?
The LAST VISIGOTH KING OF SPAIN King Roderick was elected in710 by a group of nobles But he was betrayed…
The LAST VISIGOTH KING OF SPAIN By his own son Akhila!! His son encouraged and helped Muslim groups invade and attack King Roderick’s kingdom 711CE the kingdom of the Visigoths fell to Muslims Muslims controlled portions of Spain form 711-1492
The legacy of the visigoths Roman traditions were entrenched in language, law, architecture before Visigoths arrived Possible contributions: Christianity DNA Names Few Visigothic buildings survive
Legacy of the visigoths – King Pelayo Pelayo – survived initial Muslim invasion 711 Fled to the north Was elected king 718-737 Founded the Christian Kingdom of Asturias Came to symbolize Christian resistance against Muslim rule…
Visigothic Architecture in SPAIN http://www.spainisculture.com/en/estilos_artisticos/visigodo.html
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