ISLAM BELIEFS 1 1, How many Gods do Muslims believe in? 2, What is the main difference between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims? 3, What is ‘Tawhid’? 4, What is a prophet? 5, What do Muslims believe happens on the Day of Judgement? 6, What does immanent mean? 7, What does beneficient mean? 8, What does transcedent mean? 9, What do Muslims believe angels do to help Allah judge people? 10, Which angel helped Muhammad receive the Qur’an? 11, What is predestination? 12, How do Muslims believe the ideas of predestination and free will work together? 13, What will Allah consider when judging whether people can go to Paradise?
ISLAM BELIEFS 2 14, What is the prophet Adam best known for? 15, What is the prophet Ibrahim best known for? 16, What is the prophet Muhammad best known for? 17, Why is Muhammad considered to be the most important prophet? 18, Why is the Qur’an the most important Muslim holy book? 19, Give a quote that refers to the idea of their only being one God in Islam. 20, Give a quote that you could use when talking about angels. 21, Give a quote that you could use to explain the nature of Allah. 22, Give a quote that you could use to explain Muslim beliefs about life after death. 23, Give a quote that you could use when talking about the prophets. 24, Give a quote that you could use when talking about the Qur’an
ISLAM BELIEFS 3 25. Explain what is meant by Shirk 26. Give one example of something Muslims would not do to avoid shirk 27. What is the key term for Justice according to Shi’a Muslims? 28. What is the key term for the afterlife for Muslims? 29.What is meant by Risalah? 30. Give 2 ways in which Allah passes his message on to humans one earth 31. Muslims believe that angels are made out of what? 32. Explain how Ibrahim showed his faith in God? 33. What is meant by the imamate? 34. Name two other Holy Books for Muslims 35. Why do some Muslims believe the Qur’an is superior to other Holy books?
ISLAM BELIEFS 4 36. Give one quote from the Qur’an about heaven 37. Give one quote from the Qur’an about hell. 38. Why did Iblis get thrown out of heaven? 39. Describe what Ibrahim did to stop idol worshipping? 40. Give 2 reasons why Ibrahim is important for Muslims.
ISLAM BELIEFS Across 3. Place of worship for Muslims ISLAM BELIEFS Across 3. Place of worship for Muslims 7. The idea that there is only one God 8. The first prophet 9. Muslims call Allah the 'All...' because they believe he will forgive their sins if they are truly sorry 11. All powerful 13. Muslims believe angels record everything in the Book of ... 16. Angel who appeared to Muhammad Down 1. The most important prophet 2. The idea that Allah knows what is going to happen to you 4. Muslims believe in a Day of ...... 5. Where do Muslims hope to go when they die? 6. The smallest group of Muslims 10. The name given to a Shi'a Muslim leader 12. The prophet who spoke out against idol worship 14. The biggest group of Muslims 15. Most important holy book