Muslims believe in one god, Allah. The Qur’an is the Muslim holy book Muslims believe in one god, Allah. The Qur’an is the Muslim holy book. Muslims also follow the prophet Muhammad’s teaching. l Allah has many characteristics. Omnipotent – All powerful Benevolent – All good and loving Just – Fair Merciful – Kind and forgiving Saying Allah is the only god is the first part of the Shahadah (see pillars), the Muslim declaration of faith. ‘Shirk’- believing in other gods as well as Allah, is seen as the worst sin. Muhammad was born about 570CE in Makkah (Mecca). One day while meditating, Allah sent the angel Jibril to him with a message. Jibril gradually revealed more and more of the message from Allah and Muhammad began preaching this message to others. Eventually, this message from Allah was written down as the Qur’an. The Qur’an is seen by Muslims as a miracle. Muhammad is often called the ‘seal of the prophets’. Most Muslims believe he was the last prophet that there will be. He is believed to have been a wise leader. He performed several miracles. Muslims do not worship Muhammad but see him as a role model. Islam Muslims believe the Qur’an is a complete and accurate record of Allah’s exact words to Muhammad. The Qur’an allows humans to know Allah. In the Qur’an, Allah tells Muslims what they need to know and how to lead their lives to please him. The afterlife is where people go after the Day of Judgement. The reward for good people will be entry into Jannah (paradise). This is a place of peace, happiness and beauty. For those who have done bad deeds, the punishment is Jahannam (hell).