Decision-directed Joint Tracking Loop for Carrier Phase and Symbol Timing in QAM Project 2 ECE283 Fall 2004
Outline System concept QAM signal source and receiver Decision-directed PLL Characterization Tools Submission
System Concept (1) Simplified 64-QAM communications system 64-QAM demodulated with perfect phase and 2.5% phase lag
System Concept (2) Receiver Transmitter QAM receiver system QAM communication system
QAM Signal Source and Receiver QAM receiver QAM transmitter
Decision-directed PLL Decision-directed PLL system diagram
Complete System
PLL Output (1) Phase locking performance with a random QAM waveform
PLL Output (2) Phase locking with 10% deviated frequency signal
PLL Tuning Modulation frequency Number of waves per symbol LPF VCO and VCC Symbol feedback delay
Characterization Waveforms Timing error (RMS) Capture range Loop lock range Effect of symbol error Effect of signal noise And more
Tools A Continuous-time simulation tool Simulink is recommended Circuit-level simulation ?
Submission Files: All files should be in “lastname_firstname” directory and the directory should be compressed Document: IEEE journal format, ps or pdf, “” Source Files: One-step testable codes with appropriate waveform output scopes Deadline: 11:00pm, 10/15 Friday, time marked by receiving mail server Email: