Welcome Back! Happy New Year everybody! Mrs Bruce welcomed all children and staff back to school after the Christmas break.
What’s On? Monday 9.15 Business Meeting – Infant Hall 3.15 Netball Training P6 – Infant Hall Tuesday 3.00 Chess Club Wednesday 3.00 SUPA Club P5-7 Thursday 3.00 Netball Training P7 – Infant Hall Friday
Playground Messages Please remember to take your coat with you in to the playground as it is very cold outside. Please also remember to put any litter in to the bins provided! The toilets are NOT for playing in at break-times. If you need to go inside for any reason, you MUST let a member of staff in the playground know first.
Lunch Hall Message P3 – 7’s no longer need to put their hands up if they want pudding. All children still need to fold their arms when finished their lunch to show the Auxiliary Staff that they’re ready to go outside.