Physics Review Game Start the game by clicking the button that looks like a screen in the bottom left corner of the screen. START
A force that opposes motion? Friction Momentum Gravity Inertia
2. The first step of the scientific method is? Question Conclusion Research Procedure
3. An educated guess is called _?_. Theory Experiment Law Hypothesis
4. The study of energy and its changes is _?_ Physics Geology Chemistry Engineering
5. A push or a pull on an object is _?_ Density Mass Force Momentum
6. A bad philosopher who did not test his ideas Galileo Moseley Newton Aristotle
7. An object used to describe motion Proximity Point Reference Point Common Point Motion Point
8. An object in motion continues in motion unless acted upon by an outside force is Newton’s _?_ Law First Second Third Fourth
9. How difficult it is to stop something from moving Inertia Motion Momentum Weight
10. He dropped 2 balls off the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Newton Aristotle Moseley Galileo
11. How fast something is going in one direction Motion Speed Acceleration Velocity
12. 9.8 m/s2 is a measure of _?_ Friction Gravity Force Motion
13. To travel in a curved path Propel Momentum Projectile Move
14. Momentum is affected by _?_ Mass and Location Mass and Distance Mass and Acceleration Mass and Velocity
15. A place with no air friction? Space Jupiter The Moon Vacuum
16. What is a measure of the pull of gravity on an object? Friction Mass Force Weight
17. Mass and Proximity (distance) affect _?_ Acceleration Gravitational Pull Falling Rate Momentum
18. An object’s acceleration is dependent on mass and force is Newton’s _?_ Law First Third Second Fourth
19. The radius of the Earth is _?_ 40,000 mi 4,000 m 4,000 mi 40,000 m
20. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is Newton’s _?_ Law First Third Second Fourth
21. Acceleration is based on _?_ and mass Distance Gravity Force Work
22. A seatbelt keeping you in place during a car accident is an example of Newton’s _?_ Law Second Third Fourth First
23. Who discovered that all objects fall at the same rate Newton Democritus Aristotle Galileo
24. What cause a feather to fall slower than a marble? Force Air Resistance Gravity Acceleration
25. Before calculating the height of a rocket you must _ 25. Before calculating the height of a rocket you must _?_ its time to find out how high it went. Multiply by 2 Add 4,000 Divide by 2 Subtract 4,000
26. Which formula would you use to find out how deep a well is? P = m X v m = f / a f = m X a D = Gt2 / 2
27. Which object would be the hardest to stop from moving 27. Which object would be the hardest to stop from moving? Remember momentum A 200 pound car going 50 mph A 400 pound car going 40 mph A 100 pound car going 70 mph A 600 pound car going 20 mph
28. An object that hits another object transfers its _?_ Mass Momentum Velocity Force
29. A pendulum has the greatest potential energy at _?_ B C A C B D
30. A pendulum has the greatest kinetic energy at _?_ B C A C B D
31. Which of the following is demonstrated by Newton’s Cradle The Law of Conservation of Momentum The Law of Conservation of Mass The Law of Conservation of Velocity The Law of Physics
32. If a boy is pulling on a rope with 100 N of force and a girl is pulling in the opposite direction with 100 N of force, who will win? The Boy Both Win The Girl A Tie occurs
33. If three ball bearings are launched with the same amount of force which will travel the farthest? The one with the most mass The one with the prettiest colors The one with the least mass The one that I think is the coolest
Law of Conservation of Mass 34. The answer to # 32 was “least mass” because of _?_ Law of Conservation of Mass Newton’s 1st Law Newton’s 3rd Law Newton’s 2nd Law
Car covering ¼ mile in 3 sec Car covering ¼ mile in 4 sec 35. Which shows the greatest acceleration: Car covering ¼ mile in 3 sec Car covering ¼ mile in 4 sec Car covering ¼ in 3.5 sec Car covering ¼ is 4.3 sec
36. To make the loop of a track a roller coaster must have enough _ 36. To make the loop of a track a roller coaster must have enough _?_ and _?_ Gravity and mass Force and inertia Mass and velocity Size and distance
37. What is the difference between velocity and speed? Velocity depends on gravity Velocity depends on inertia Velocity depends on mass Velocity depends on direction
It is father from the surface of the earth There is no air resistance 38. Why do things weigh less in space? There is no gravity It is father from the surface of the earth There is no air resistance It is weightless
39. Which is not a fossil fuel? Coal Natural Gas Geothermal Oil
40. A battery changes _?_ energy into electrical. Heat Chemical Light Nuclear
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