Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Reforms Group 1 Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Reforms Countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine Minsk, October 4th, 2016
1. Public sector accounting and reporting reforms status Belarus Georgia Kyrgyzstan Moldova Russia Tajikistan Ukraine Stage of public sector accounting and reporting reform (P - planned, I –under implementation, C-completed) P I Is it formally part of a broader PFM reform agenda (Y/N)? Y Is there an official strategic document guiding public accounting reform (Y/N)? Reform timeline: from __ till __ 2016-…. 2010-2020 2009-2023 2013-2021 2012-2020 2011-2018 2007-2020
1. Public sector accounting and reporting reforms status Belarus Georgia Kyrgyzstan Moldova Russia Tajikistan Ukraine Approach to reform: IPSAS or NS (National Standards) or NS largely based on IPSAS ? IPSAS IPSAS (intermediate stage) NS based on IPSAS Who is leading the reform efforts and if any formal steering committee is established? MoF/ Treasury Treasury/Gvt Council MoF Treasury/ Council MoF/ Council Is there any external support for the reform (Y/N)? What type of support and from whom? Y.WB Y. WB, donors Y. WB, other donors Y. EU Y, WB Y, WB, SECO No How is training and certification of accountants organized? MoF Academy. No certification MoF. No certification
2. Design and implementation of public sector accounting reform - key stakeholders to be involved, their roles and how to mobilize them Government and all financial decision makers Parliament Public sector entities Internal/External Audit, other controlling bodies Training institutions IT sector Central Bank Donors and investors CITIZENS!
3. Design and implementation of public sector accounting reform – how to make best use of external resources Consultants Learn from experience and lessons gained in the course of implementing PFMS Exposure to international experience, including via PEMPAL-like platforms International (bilateral) cooperation Private sector expertise Software, training Due diligence
Issues for discussion… Institutional coverage and consolidation technique Reporting by segment Procedure for reflecting exchange rate differences Unified Chart of Accounts and PFMS Design methodology to support the use of standards Personnel training and retaining Taking stock and revaluation of fixed assets and inventory GFS 2014 vs. 2001 “Employee Remuneration” standard