To discipline means to teach It is not punishment or rewards What is discipline? To discipline means to teach It is not punishment or rewards It is a process, not an event Loving Guidance, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.800.842.2846
Punishment Discipline Intent to feel bad or hurt Inconsistent Unclear expectations Expects child to “just know” Based on fear Focuses on what not to do Intent to teach Consistent Sets clear expectations Demonstrates positive behavior Based on love Focuses on what to do Loving Guidance, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.800.842.2846
Conscious Discipline is Positive Discipline Use v
Conscious Discipline requires that we discipline ourselves first, and our children second
Creating a School Family creates an emotionally intelligent classroom increases achievement and decreases disruptions instills the language of safety incorporates both independence and cooperation It is the heart and brain of the Conscious Discipline program Loving Guidance, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.800.842.2846
It’s All About the Relationship
It’s All About the Relationship Eye contact Gentle touch Presence Playful Situation Connection is the glue that holds relationships together. Connection = Cooperation Loving Guidance, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.800.842.2846
Connections on the Outside Create connections on the Inside
Creating a School Family Routines for predictability Safekeeper job description Rituals for connections Brain Smart Start Responsibility through classroom jobs Classroom centers Class meeting with music and movement R How can we incorporate everything we have learned so far into our classrooms? Loving Guidance, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.800.842.2846
Conscious Discipline Online
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