Clouds Clouds form in air that is relatively high in humidity. Warm air holds more water vapor. Clouds can be an indicator of the weather.
Cumulus clouds Cumulus: Puffy clouds that indicate clear weather. Rarely has rain Means – to heap
Stratus clouds Form low in the atmosphere Cover the entire sky Light drizzle may fall Layered clouds
Cirrus clouds Form high in the atmosphere Made of ice crystals Wispy – called mare’s or horse’s tail Not a rain producer
Cumulonimbus clouds Nimbo or nimbus: rain Thunderheads that can reach thousands of feet in the sky Heavy rains, thunderstorms and hail may occur
Nimbostratus clouds Rain/Snow clouds Cover the sky All day rain/snow
Altocumulus clouds Alto: middle Middle cumulous clouds Not a rain producer
Clouds Clouds have helped people predict the weather There are many different types of clouds Clouds are made of condensed water droplets or ice crystals