Implementing Common Core 2.0


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing Common Core 2.0 Fully Aligned ELA Curricula, Instruction, and Assessment

Agenda Part 1 Shift #1 – Complex Text Part 2 Shift #2 – Evidence Shift #3 – Nonfiction Text

The ELA Shifts Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Building knowledge through content rich nonfiction

Why Complex Text? Significant gap between text at the college level and high school Less than 50% of graduates can read at the college level upon graduation of high school Ability to read complex text is the greatest predictor of success in college

Identifying Text Complexity Quantitative Readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software. Qualitative Levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader. Reader and Task Background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment. Engage NY: Literacy

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