Vermont Store Assessment Data Highlights & How-To


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Presentation transcript:

Vermont Store Assessment Data Highlights & How-To Recording: Vermont Store Assessment Data Highlights & How-To Mollie Mayfield, MPH April 30, 2018

Webinar Housekeeping: Zoom Webinar Orientation Raise your hand to be unmuted or to answer a question Send a message visible to everyone in the webinar Ask a question You are muted by default.

Webinar Housekeeping: Zoom Webinar Orientation Either way works – Jackie will be helping to moderate questions throughout the webinar

Ask questions throughout! Webinar Agenda Data highlights State level tobacco Local level tobacco (with live demo in POST) State level alcohol Local level alcohol Excel data analysis basic (live demo – optional) Ask questions throughout!

Assessment Summary 2017-2018 Data Collection 2014 Data Collection 1202 retailers in Vermont 1159 stores visited 997 assessments performed 859 sell tobacco 1094 sell alcohol 811 sold tobacco 917 sold alcohol 952 tobacco retailers (93% also sold alcohol) 885 stores visited 767 assessments performed

Store Types Assessed 94% of tobacco retailers also sold alcohol 83% of alcohol retailers also sold tobacco Convenience store = largest category (frequented by youth) A tobacco retail license is free with the purchase of an alcohol retail license.

Percent of retailers assessed with each type of advertising Exterior Advertising Percent of retailers assessed with each type of advertising Exterior ads mean even youth or adults who don’t go in the store but just pass by it get exposed to the tobacco or alcohol advertising. *not mutually exclusive*

Tobacco Data

Tobacco Retailer Density When there are more tobacco retailers in a given area, Youth are more likely to start smoking It is more difficult for current smokers to quit Current smokers consume more cigarettes per day Often, tobacco retailers cluster in areas with a large percentage of low-income residents or residents or color Density A measure of the concentration or clustering of tobacco retailers in an area; Measured as number per 1,000 population, e.g., 1.2 retailers per 1,000 people

Tobacco Retailer Density in VT Health District Tobacco Retailer Density Barre 1.3 Bennington 1.5 Brattleboro 1.4 Burlington 1.1 Middlebury Morrisville 1.7 Newport 2.1 Rutland 1.9 Springfield St. Albans 1.6 St. Johnsbury White River Junction

Tobacco Retailer Density in VT Median Household Income Disparities in Density: Greater retailer density in lower income areas, Lower retailer density in higher income areas

Higher density associated with higher school smoking prevalence Research has also determined links between retailer density in the area around a school and smoking prevalence in the school. We see that when there is a higher density of retailers within walking distance, the school has significantly higher smoking rates. Perfect example of that Proximity X Density DOUBLE WHAMMY – high retailer DENSITY in close PROXIMITY to schools leads to higher smoking rates Photo credit: California, 2008: Schools with higher numbers of tobacco retailers within walking distance have higher school smoking prevalence2 1. Henriksen, et al., 2008, Preventive Medicine;

Tobacco Retailer Proximity to Schools County Tobacco Retailers Near Schools Addison 22% Bennington 23% Caledonia 9% Chittenden 13% Essex 0% Franklin 5% Grand Isle Lamoille Orange 24% Orleans 16% Rutland 12% Washington 15% Windham Windsor 11% State average = 13% of retailers are within 1000’ of a school

Schools Near Retailers Health District Schools Near Retailers Barre 25% Bennington 41% Brattleboro 22% Burlington Middlebury 37% Morrisville 17% Newport Rutland 36% Springfield 27% St. Albans St. Johnsbury 7% White River Junction 33% Statewide 29% of schools are within 1000’ of a retailer Another way of looking at it… Proportion of schools that are near retailers

Tobacco Enforcement: Last Year Health District Violation Rate Barre 6% Bennington 0% Brattleboro 5% Burlington 3% Middlebury 13% Morrisville 7% Newport 15% Rutland Springfield 12% St. Albans St. Johnsbury White River Junction 4% Also important for monitoring youth access to tobacco – not just how close they are to it, but actually underage buying attempts. You can see the percentage of retailers with either an FDA or a Synar violation here by health district over the past year…. Highest in Newport at 15% Lowest in Bennington at 0% In POST when you hover over each dot, you can also see how many retailers were inspections and how many failed, and what the inspection coverage rate was for time period.

Tobacco Enforcement: Last 5 Years Health District Violation Rate Barre 12% Bennington 8% Brattleboro 7% Burlington 11% Middlebury 9% Morrisville 15% Newport Rutland Springfield 4% St. Albans St. Johnsbury 10% White River Junction …and over the past 5 years Highest in Morrisville at 15% failure rate Lowest = 4% in Springfield

Tobacco Store Types Assessed Again, convenience stores = most tobacco retailers (also where youth frequent) All other store types = <1%

Product Availability Percent of retailers carrying each product type

Product Availability Comparison to 2014 More retailers selling cigarillos/little cigars/blunt, but fewer selling everything else E-cigarettes – In 2016, Vermont established a new, separate license that retailers must acquire to sell tobacco substitutes like e-cigarettes (DLC). This extra hoop could have also contributed to the decrease in the number of retailers that sell e-cigarettes between 2014 to 2017.

Flavored Tobacco Product Availability Percent of tobacco retailers selling flavored tobacco products by product type

Flavored Tobacco Product Availability Comparison to 2014 Percent of tobacco retailers selling flavored tobacco products by product type Decrease by product, but about the same # selling any flavored tobacco product

Exterior Advertising Percentage of tobacco retailers with exterior tobacco ads In 2017-2018, 7% of retailers had exterior ads for flavored tobacco products

Interior Advertising & Product Placement Youth Appeal Percentage of tobacco retailers with youth appealing tobacco ad or product placement Ads under 3ft = at kids’ eye level Youth Products = candy, toys, ice cream, slushy machines, etc.

Product Placement Most VT tobacco retailers are in compliance with VT’s ban on self-service tobacco product displays *note: self-service displays are still allowed in adult-only retailers (so these retailers could still be in compliance)

71% sold single cigarillos Product Pricing Blu = lower price than in 2014 Newport = higher price than in 2014 We know that price = one of the largest factors on tobacco use rates. The general consensus is that nationally, every 10 percent increase in the real price of cigarettes reduces adult smoking by about two percent, reduces smoking among young adults by about 3.5 percent, reduces the number of kids who smoke by six or seven percent, and reduces overall cigarette consumption by approximately three to five percent. N/A* N/A** 71% sold single cigarillos 48% sold them for <$1 * = Not collected in 2017-2018 ** = Not collected in 2014

Percentage of tobacco retailers with price promotions, by product VT’s cigarette excise tax = $3.08 per pack, which is the 6th highest in the nation, and that is equalized for other products. However, the tobacco industry can circumvent excise tax increases with price discounts and coupons. Price discounts are the single largest category of tobacco industry marketing expenditures – and here you can see how that plays out in VT. VT excise tax on cigarettes: $3.08 6th highest in US

Local Tobacco Data I won’t spend as much time on this because a lot of county-level and health-district-level data is available through infographics and SnapShot maps in POST, but I’ll go through a couple of data points to remind you where you can find that information, and then I’ll demonstrate how to find data on your local city/town/village level data in POST.

Avg. Cheapest Price of Cigarettes County Avg. Cheapest Pack Lamoille $7.97 Caledonia $7.71 Grand Isle $7.64 Windham Bennington $7.59 Washington $7.58 Orange $7.53 Chittenden $7.52 Windsor $7.49 Addison $7.39 Orleans $7.21 Essex $7.20 Franklin Rutland $7.05 Red county in graph = Addison County (you can find this on the POS Landscape Infographic in POST) Counties listed from highest to lowest price

Newport Menthol Prices County Avg. Cheapest Pack Lamoille $10.16 Grand Isle $10.03 Caledonia $9.45 Essex $9.39 Orange $9.31 Franklin $9.30 Washington $9.25 Chittenden $9.21 Addison $9.16 Windham $9.15 Rutland $9.14 Bennington $9.13 Windsor Orleans $8.97 Red = Addison County

POST Data Interpretation Snapshot Maps and Queries includes only "sells tobacco= true” Reports and Infographics include "sells tobacco= true" and "sells tobacco=null" All retailers with assessment data have now been updated for their tobacco selling status. We are working on harmonizing these ways of looking at the data in POST so that they count retailers the same way, but for now just know that this is how you should interpret each. Snapshot Maps and Queries are based only on the number of retailers that are listed as selling tobacco on their retailer detail page. If they have ’”no” or “unknown” they will not be included in these numbers. Reports and Infographics include both retailers that are listed as selling tobacco AND retailers for which their status for selling tobacco is “unknown.”

Live Demo! How to find your local assessment data in POST (by city, town, village, county, or health district) Refresher of what you can access in POST – county data in infographics, health district data in Snapshot maps, any level data in Queries or Reports Demo how to find: How many retailers sold single cigarillos in your city/town/village (compared to the number of retailers assessed/retailer selling any tobacco) Flavored e-cigarettes for sale Stores Near Schools per city/town/village How to compare to 2014 Any requests for data points?

Alcohol Data

Alcohol Store Types Assessed

Alcohol Retailer Density Alcohol Retailer Density = Risk factor for excessive drinking & other social harms 1.50 2.07 1.30 2.30 2.51 1.60 1.62 1.98 1.28 1.70 1.97 2.00 1.23 1.95 County Alcohol retailer density (per 1,000 people) Lamoille 2.51 Grand Isle 2.30 Orleans 2.07 Windham 2.00 Rutland 1.98 Bennington 1.97 Washington 1.95 Windsor 1.70 Caledonia 1.62 Addison 1.60 Franklin 1.50 Essex 1.30 Orange 1.28 Chittenden 1.23 State Avg. 1.67

Alcohol Retailers Near Schools County % of alcohol retailers within 1,000 ft of a school Orange 24.3% Bennington 22.2% Addison 20.3% Lamoille 14.3% Chittenden 14.2% Rutland 13.4% Windsor 12.6% Washington 12.2% Caledonia 12.0% Windham 10.3% Orleans 8.9% Franklin 8.2% Essex 0.0% Grand Isle Statewide, 14% of all VT alcohol retailers are within 1000ft of a school

Exterior Advertising Percent of alcohol retailers with exterior advertisements for alcohol

Products sold at alcohol retailers by type Product Availability Products sold at alcohol retailers by type

Types of Alcopops Sold Of retailers who sold alcopops:

Alcohol Pricing 4% of alcohol retailers offered a free item with the purchase of an alcoholic beverage

Product Placement Placement of alcoholic beverages with alcohol retailers: percentage of retailers assessed with each type of placement

Interior Advertisement Placement Placement of alcohol ads: percentage of retailers assessed with each type of ad

Alcohol Data by County

Exterior Advertising Percent of retailers with exterior alcohol ads, by county

Alcohol Promotions Percent of retailers offering a free items with purchase of an alcoholic beverage

Product Availability: Alcopops Percent of alcohol retailers selling flavored malt beverages or “alcopops”

Product Availability: Single Serving Alcohol Percent of alcohol retailers offering alcohol in single serving containers

Type of Alcopops Sold

Supersize Alcopop Availability Percent of retailers selling alcopops that sell them in supersize, by county

State Level Infographics + County Level Data

County Level Data Output And for the city/town/village level data, I will now show you how to obtain that using the excel data set

Questions? Next I’m going to dive into a live demo of how to do basic analyses on your data in excel, but I wanted to pause first to answer any questions that have come up in relation to the data that I have presented so far. For any of you are not sticking around for the demo, a few notes

Notes and Reminders Please keep an eye out for an evaluation survey from Counter Tools coming to your inbox along with the slides from this webinar. Retailers selling tobacco in POST are fully updated Final office hours = May 15th, 11am ET Resources: For software-related questions For anything else:

Live demo! How to do your own analyses in excel Looking for more excel how-to? Here’s a great resource: Thank you! Questions?