Marketing the Results of SPDG Initiatives Brent Garrett, Ph.D. Garrett Consulting, LLC October 12, 2016
We Live in a Results-Based Accountability World We develop a really great proposal. We have the best professional development providers. Our logic model clearly identifies inputs, outputs, and outcomes. Our evaluation plan is killer. The proposal is administered and implemented with great success. Then what? Maybe we write a report so well written, it ends up published in an academic journal. Three of our best friends read it and congratulate us on the pub.
Then What? Marketing……. What results are disseminated? Who is the information disseminated to? What format will you use to share the information? How will you entice people to read it? NERT TLDR
Examples MS SPDG – Assessing the outcomes of PBIS in Mississippi. VT SPDG – Evaluating an MTSS literacy initiative. DE SPDG – Looking at the impact of a communication initiative. NH SPDG – Measuring the use of project website. EEC – Project Search qualitative data KS TASN – MTSS example
Lessons Learned “Formal” applications, i.e., Piktochart, Tableau Transitioned from templates, to Publisher, then went “old school” using Word with text boxes, tables, and formatting. Real challenge is figuring out what data to include. What is most important and compelling, yet can easily be presented in a small space? Bar charts tend to work better than column charts. Be careful of the “backwards” nature of bar charts. Avoid the use of “distracters”
More Lessons Learned Get to know your Department of Education’s communication people. Get to know a graphic designer, or someone who thinks like a graphic designer. Text generally comes from the full training report, annual report, etc. Needs to be shared What about the “bad” data?
Audience Questions What tools do you use to disseminate and market the results/outcomes of your SPDG initiatives? What audiences have you approached in your marketing and dissemination efforts? What outcomes have you achieved as a results of your marketing efforts?