How to Make a Cootie Catcher By : Carole Cartwright
Make a Cootie Catcher You will have hours of inexpensive fun with your friends. Cootie Catcher’s are a sort of fortune telling game. Pick a theme for your Cootie Catcher or just have your friends ask it a question. See what answer will be revealed.
Supplies Needed Paper Markers Scissors Hard Surface
12 Steps to a Cootie Catcher Fold the bottom of the paper to the side of the page to make a triangle. Use the scissors to cut off the flap at the top.
Open to reveal the center point which is marked by folds. Step 3 Step 4 Open paper and fold in the other corner to create another diagonal line. Open to reveal the center point which is marked by folds.
Fold each corner of the paper toward the center. Step 5 Step 6 Fold each corner of the paper toward the center. Turn paper over so that the folded sides are face down.
Now fold all the corners to the center point. Step 7 Step 8 Now fold all the corners to the center point. Once you have folded in the corners, write the numbers 1 – 8 on each triangle.
Fold paper in half then unfold and fold in half the other direction. Step 9 Step 10 Fold paper in half then unfold and fold in half the other direction. Open each flap and write something on each triangle. What you write depends on the type of Cootie Catcher.
Step 11 Step 12 Flip the Cootie Catcher over and put a color, animal, person or place on each flap. Flip the Cootie Catcher over so that the colors are face up. Fold the square in half and slip your thumb and pointer finger into the flaps.
How to play Find a friend and ask them to pick a color, animal, person or place that you have drawn or written on one of the flaps. Moving the flaps in an out and side to side in time with the letters, spell out the word they have chosen. Open the Cootie Catcher to reveal the numbers and ask them to pick one. Count out the number they have chosen by moving the flaps in an out and side to side. Ask them to pick another number and count it out in the same manner. This time ask them to pick a third number and reveal the answer you have written on the inside flap.
Instructional video 3.45 Minutes Narrated by: Carole Cartwright