Filter paper parts of a circle: fold to find… 2 diagonals -> center a cord radii a semicircle an arc smaller than a semicircle 5-minute hands-on activity
Polyhedron Circle Exploration Find the center without forming diagonals. Fold a point to the center… Fold a vertex to the center… Create polyhedra… Compare areas of figures as you go. 20-30-minute hands-on activity I like to use a jumbo circle for the demo.
A Dodecahedron Construction Uses 12 regular pentagons
Cut out 12 template pieces and attach with glue or staples.
attach a piece of thread to one protruding piece. If you want to hang your dodecahedron, attach a piece of thread to one protruding piece.
Questions: How many pentagons meet at each vertex? How many pentagonal faces are there? How many vertices are there? How many edges are there?
Dodecahedron Hints: You may find it easiest to check your alignment by watching the inside of the figure as you glue. You may wish to assemble one half of the dodecahedron (6 faces) first, then the other half, and then connect the two together. Too much or too little glue won’t hold. You’ll need to use trial-and-error to find the right amount. Perhaps a toothpick or paper “spatula” would be helpful.