Climate / Terrain Large desert plains Rugged mountainous regions Climate: desert -Mild winters and hot summers Mountainous regions -Very cold winters and mild summers Temperatures: 39 degrees Fahrenheit (Jan) 111 degrees Fahrenheit (July)
Government / Economy Government Type: Parliamentary Democracy Head of State: President Head of Government: Prime Minister Economy: oil, petroleum, chemicals, textiles, leather, & fertilizer Currency: Iraqi Dinar 1 USD = 1123.18
Demography / Culture Capital: Baghdad Population: 30,399,572 Ethnic groups: Arab (75-80%), Kurdish (15-20%), Other 5% Religion: Muslim 99%, Other 1% Language: Arabic, Kurdish, Turkmen, Assyrian, Armenian Literacy rate: 78%
Brief History 1500s Iraq was controlled by the Ottoman Turks -Ottoman Empire Control lasted until the end of WWI -with the fall of the Ottoman Empire 1932, Iraq gained independence
Brief History ……………… 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War -The war devastated the economy and left Iraq with the largest military in the Persian Gulf region 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, but was forced out by the United States 2003 U.S. invaded Iraq after they failed to comply with U.N. inspections. US claimed Iraqi government was keeping weapons of mass destruction
Tourism Iraqi Arch Ishtar Gate Babylon, Iraq
Interesting Facts The Noah’s ark is believed to have been built in Iraq It is believed that the Garden of Eden was in Iraq Iraqis feel extremely offended if the family pet comes near the table during meals The candy Licorice has been used for thousands of years for health benefits, it is a native plant of Iraq Honey is a source of income and food for the Iraqis
Food Maqloubi: Eggplant with red rice National Cookie: Kleicha National food: Masgouf Babylonian Pastry