Short Term Coaching Jamie Feeney 26 November 2016 ANZ Stadium Sydney Olympic Park
My Background… 132 NRL Games over 8 yrs with Canterbury Bulldogs & Melbourne Storm 3 yrs as HPM of Central Coast Storm inc. 2 yrs as NSW Cup Head Coach 1 yr as CRL Under 18’s Head Coach 3 yrs as CRL Country Firsts Head Coach 2 years as Performance Programs Manager & Assistant Coach of NSWRL Pathways teams Current Assistant Coach of the Australian Jillaroos
Topics of Discussion… Know Your Program. Know Your Players. Know Your Staff. Creating Culture. Session Planning. Program Review.
1. Know Your Program. How long do you have ? Outcome or Result driven? How many sessions do you need ? 5 P’s How much is too much ? Quality vs Quantity. How much do they already know ? Understand your playing group. On & Off-field education / commitments. Welfare/Media/Community/Education/etc.
2. Know Your Players. Selection of players based on your playing style. Choosing selectors. Player Profiling – creating your ideal team. Champion Team vs Team of Champions? Numbers 14-17.
Player Profiling Example - Fullback SCORE CRITERION DESCRIPTION POSITIONAL PLAY Position to receive kick return Cover backfield on opposition kicks CHANGE OF SPEED Acceleration READS GAME IN ATTACK Positions himself for opportunities Gets around the football; support play ATTACKING SKILLS Safe Hands Catch-Pass Good lines BROKEN LINE DEFENCE Courage in the tackle Shuts down break options AVERAGE SCORE
3. Know Your Staff How many do you need ? A.C./S&C/Lvl 2/ Leaguesafe/Manager Choose staff that you trust and that buy in. Assign clear roles and communicate them. Know their S & W & delegate tasks. Utilise others and share the load & voices.
4. Creating Culture What is Culture? Guided by Staff – Driven by Players. Ice-Breaker Activities. Eg. X- Factor / Red Faces / Team Song / Q. Sheets Players must want to play & win for each other. Eg. 10 Pin / Go Karting.
4. Creating Culture (cont’d) Players must establish beliefs - Guided Learning. ‘Why are we here?’ ‘What do you expect from your team mates/staff?’ ‘How will we get there?’ Develop a list of standards/behaviours & display them. Self-regulation Penalty system ?
5. Session Planning Pre-learning – sharing of resources. 1 month vs 1 week preparation time? Simple vs Complex game plan? Be mindful of over- coaching. Establish skill base early and plan basic skills in all sessions. Time efficiency is key – use purposeful activities.
6. Program review Review Camp. - Survey Players and Staff. (email/survey monkey) - Venue/Facilities/Sched./Staffing/Resources/other. Maximise professional development & future programs. Review Game - max. player knowledge & development.
Thank you.