Defensive Play Heading Back to Goal Purpose: Learning to Break the Tackle and or Using Support Runners Description: P1 starts at cone and runs back towards goal and jab lift sliotar. P3 and P4 try to tackle P1 who must either break the tackle or pass the sliotar to P2 who is the support. P1 and P2 must clear the ball to player P5 and P6 standing in one of the 2 squares set up as targets. Rotate players alternatively.
Defensive Play Over Lapping Attacker Purpose: To prepare to deal with the extra attacker on the overlap Description: 6 v 6 with extra player out the field who feeds ball in. Once the player out the field strikes in sliotar he then becomes an extra attacker. The defenders must work together to deal with extra man. Progression- Once extra player strikes ball defender enters but starts 10-15m behind extra attacker.
Defensive Play Through the gates Purpose: Improve positioning in defence and identifying the greatest tre at Description: Set up area as shown. 3 v 3 possession game and once a team completes 3 passes they must try to get through any of the 4 gates to score. When attackers get through the gate they continue to keep possession and must enter the square again and complete another 3 passes before they can score again.
Defensive Play React and Intercept Purpose: Description: Groups of 5 with 1 sliotar. P1 stands inside the square with the other 4 players at each outer cone. Players on the outside must pass the sliotar to each other while the middle player who is the defender must try to intercept the sliotar. The defender works for 30secs to see how many times he/she can intercept the sliotar. Rotate players.
Defensive Play Defend the Square Purpose: Description: 5 teams lined up as shown. Outside teams have 1 sliotar per team. Middle team are defending for 1 min. Coach calls a colour and that team must work the sliotar across to the opposite side of the grid while the middle team try to dispossess them. As soon as they get across or are dispossessed the coach calls another colour and the middle team have to react and defend a different team.
Defensive Play Working the Ball Out Purpose: Description: Players are numbered 2,3 & 4. Sliotars are placed on end line. Coach calls a number and that player retrieves a sliotar and defenders must work the ball out through any of the gates. Defenders are not allowed to strike the sliotar through the gates. If forwards turn the ball over they try to work a score. Add time limit to work ball out e.g.. 8 secs.
Defensive Play Staggered Defence/Attack 2v2 & 4v4 Purpose: Description: Defenders and attackers line up as shown. 1st attacker with sliotar runs around cone while defender does the same on the opposite side. At the same time 2nd player from each team goes around the end cone on each side and the game now becomes 2v2. Defenders try to dispossess attackers while attackers are trying to score. If the defenders manage to dispossess they then attack the opposite goal. Introduce 4v4 game.
Defensive Play Pass and Block Purpose: Description: Defender on 13m line hand passes the sliotar to attacker on 21m line. Defender must then stop attacker for shooting for a point. Coach can have 3 sets of defenders/ attackers lined up across the pitch all working at the same time. Coach can call one group to go for goal while the other two groups go for a point.
Defensive Play Tracking the Attacker Purpose: Description: Set up area as shown. Players1 carry the ball to cone (A) where they drop the sliotar and sprint across to their partners ball, jab lift it and shoot for a point. Players 2 sprint diagonally to attempt to block players 1 shot for point/goal Player 2 is only allowed to start his run when player 1 drops the first sliotar at cone (A).
Defensive Play Gauntlet Run Purpose: Description: Attacking players take on the two defensive players in their channel. The defenders try to either dispossess the attacker or force the attacker outside of his channel. The attacking player must take on at least one of the defenders before he can shoot. The attacker becomes the second defender when he shoots, the second defender move to the first defenders position and the first defender now becomes the attacker.
Defensive Play 1 on 1 Purpose: Description: Groups of 4. 1 player at each outside cone, 2 in the middle marking each other. One player is attacker, other defender. The outside player feeds the sliotar to the forward who must get past the defender and give a pass to other outside player. Defender tries to delay and dispossess the attacker. Players swap after 1 minute.
Defensive Play Defending the Break Purpose: Description: P1 strikes the sliotar to P2 who breaks the ball while P1 and P3 react to the break. Whoever wins the ball is the forward and tries to strike for a point and the other player is a defender who must hook or block.
Defensive Play No Mans Land Purpose: Description: 6 v 6 with 3 v 3 at either end of the No Mans Land. Players must get two passes within their own area and then strike the sliotar over no mans land to a player on his team. Those players must then complete at least two passes before returning the sliotar. If possession is turned over then the other team become the attackers.
Defensive Play Defence to Attack Purpose: Description: 6 Defenders start with the sliotar on one side of the field. 6 Attackers start the other side with portable goals on their side. The backs aim is to work the ball across the pitch and score a goal while the forwards job is to dispossess. Once they gain possession they then attack the main goals with the defenders trying to prevent them from scoring. The game ends with either a score or wide at either goal.
Defensive Play Defend Together Purpose: Description: P1 starts with the sliotar and passes to P2 who takes up a position between P3 and the goal and becomes a defender. P2 receives the sliotar from P1 and passes to P3 and straight away follows P3 and attempts to hook him. P3 receives the sliotar from P2 and straight away attacks the goal and tries to score while avoiding the tackle. Players rotate rolls on each attempt.
Defensive Play Stop the Goal Purpose: Description: Set up a semi circle of cones in front of the goals. 4 Sliotars are placed around the outside of the semi circle. 4 attackers v 4 defenders are inside the semi-circle. On the coaches call one attacker retrieves one of the sliotars and their aim is to score a goal. The ball is dead if there is a score, wide or the defenders gain possession.
Defensive Play 6 in 7 Purpose: Description: Set up area as shown. The aim is for each team to score 3 goals and 3 points in 7 minutes. They can only score inside their attacking half of the field. If the ball goes over the side line play is restarted immediately by the goal keeper as dictated by the coach.
Defensive Play 3 Goals to Defend Purpose: Description: Set up area as shown. 10 sliotars are then placed along the 65m line. To start the game one forward picks up a sliotar from the 65m line and the game is live. The attackers aim is to score a goal in any one of the three goals while the defenders must be organised to defend all three goals.